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Lake samsonvale boating access permit


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Have a bit of an explore of the PEFMA website there are a couple of good information articles written by Dino.

The fish defiantly seem to be coming back on the chew.

Have at Dinos epic outing reported elsewhere today.

I just enjoy the peace and tranquility up there and the fish and redclaw are a bonus.

If you can get out in the week the odds are that you will have the place to yourself or maybe one or 2 others.

There has been a small problem with sharefarmers but that seems to have gone away. It is several months since I have had any problems.Certainly nothing of the magnitude experienced at Somerset or Wivenhoe.

Because its leccy only no stinkboats or jetskis.

Secure parking sometimes you may have to walk up the hill a bit.

If you want a trip there give me a yell and I can take you for a look around and you should end up with a small feed of redclaw.

I am avail most days.



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Just to confirm, you don't require a permit to fish only if you are taking a vessel on the lake? So land based you dont need to pay? I will get a permit as soon as I have the money but I was keen for a landbased sesh. is that allowed?
You have to get a stocked impoundment permit (SIP) to fish the dam at all, is about $36 I think
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Elops, The last time I looked outside it was still a free country so I've changed my mind and have applied for a permit. I may not use it but that is my prerogative and my $100 will buy as many fingerlings as your's will and thast is the crux of the matter wouldn't you say?

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Yes $100 buys a lot of fingerlings as does the the cost of a SIPS permit, anyones support of funds for stocking is appreciated. Be nice if some of the people who are getting a free go at the current population of entrained stocked fish would contribute.

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I did not use mine that much this year as it has been a pretty cool Summer and I have the big boat as well. The first year was awesome. I mainly chased the redclaw and I was coming home with 40 to 50 litres of redclaw tails each day I head out with my two boys. I have got a permit again for this year. One visit to the Lake should pay for the permit with redclaw and then it is all gravy after that.

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