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Is Somerset Dam a good spot this time?


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Hi Guys,

I am just learning to fish and I wanted to try fresh water fishing. I am looking at either Wivenhoe or Somerset Dam. Question is, is it a good time to go fishing to these locations? If so, what type of fish are commonly caught in these areas?

Any reply is much appreciated.



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Mate, I was at the big Wiven yesterday. Arrived around 1ish pots in by 130pm and fishing not long after. Started with a spinner bait and got a few small taps before hooking up and loosing something bigger. Then moved to live garden worms and the fun started, all up i landed 2 small bass, 3 eeltail catties and 3 massive turtles have never seen such large beasts lol. so yes the fish are biting even if they are the socalled rubbish of the waterways still good fun on light tackle.

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Talking to Dave from the Kilcoy club yesterday, he confirmed the bass are on the chew up there, reckons he was having to hide behind a tree to bait up last weekend, he had to keep moving all the time because once he had bagged out on bass he was trying to pick up other fish for the comp, but the bass kept finding the bait first. Reckons he caught over 30 while targeting everything but bass! Even swapped to worms and still kept catching bass.

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