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Your Support Means the Difference


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Members of AFO, I apologise for exposing you to such dire circumstances and I know that it will be difficult for some of you to understand the true threat of which I warn you.

Whether or not you know it, you are under siege. The people with whom you interact on a daily basis are part of the force seeking to dominate your world!

They are known as "The Stupid".

Unless you were sheltered from "The Stupid" and taught by those who honoured logic and intelligence, the scriptures tell us that "The Stupid" will devour you and your only offer of release is to unthinkingly obey their creed.

Therefore, JOIN me you stupids! We shall dominate the rest of the world!

Should another come along and don a uniform, we shall honour him (or her) and inquire as to his or her regiment. Should he or she indicate that he or she hails from a personally unsatisfying position we will STILL maintain that intelligence is a higher objective than obedience.

I thought about going into more detail, then I realized that it would only entertain a few individuals.


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