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Brissie River Flatties


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Headed out monday around 8am monday for a yak and a fish, So i thought i would hit the flats around the brissie river mouth as it's not to far from home in the hopes of flathead for dinner. Spent the better part of the morn working the flats out towards the bay, to which i encounterd nothing but a howling gail and chop and spent the return trip back to the ramp with a wet butt. i had a cold drink and feed and with the itch not sratched i jumped back in and headed of to the flats towards the river itself, trolled small hardbody lures along the edges working the 1-2 meter zone on a falling tide and encounterd some small tailor around 30-32 cm lost 2 blades to the little buggers (it's getting expensive :unsure: ) decided to pull up and fish a spot i know of that holds some good flatties

So armed with the trusty old 120mm bloodworm wriggler / 10lb nano on one rod and a 60mm squidgie fish / 6lb vanish on the other, i slowly drifted the flats and found first flattie within about 20m small around 35cm this continued with three more coming on board so at this stage i'm 5 casts in and four fish (all released of course) pb there itself, these were all caught on the fish in green and silver speckle colour but the final fish pretty much destroyed it.

So swapped over to the wriggler as i dropped it down i drifted over a small gutter which ran down to about 1.2m from 40cm. BANG!! and it was like that it hit like a freight train and on the first run took a good 40m of line, after about ten solid runs i was able finally to get it in and after seeing the state of the jighead i was relieved and lucky.

He went 56cm but solid well conditioned fish, unfortunately for him however his fate was sealed the moment he mistook the wriggler for a quick meal. Their schooling up for the spawn at present so get into em just remember 75cm is max size personaly at this time of year anything over 65 goes back but that's me, good luck and good fishing. ezy







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