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Exploring the run off

mick fillet

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Not wanting to endanger our selves or worse become a statistic the decision was made to stay well clear of the flood water and any swollon creeks.The decision was made to head up in to the hills 20 mins out of Ipswich that wernt affected by the dirty flood water and swollen rivers.

Dan 25 and myself went out for a walk into the bush to get to a couple of locations that could potentialy hold a few native fish.

We arived at a water hole but didnt raise anything.

We then did some more walking following the flowing run off from water hole.Hoping tp find smaller water holes created from the run off from the larger water holes up in the hills which do hold natve fish.

Ok it doesnt really look like much but there is potential that native fish could be traped in here.




look closer ;)


Dan and myself removed 60+ talapia from the water way which does eventually flow to the major rivers. There were redclaw galore and shimp hiding in the thick leaf matter aswell.

Ther were no native fish in any ofthe pools washed down from the larger pools.

All tilapia were killed,bagged and bined.


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