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One man's pest is another man's passion


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Just saw this on a friends facebook, stunning footage and an insight into the lengths people will go to, to catch. May go some way to demonstrating how wily they can be. Love them or hate them (I'm neutral) the footage makes me want to get out there and go freshwater fishing again. :)


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Great video - I can understand that these guys are passionate about this but I wonder why they use such big/heavy gear to catch them? For me it would ruin the enjoyment of catching such a fish.

I'm not sure, I know they fight real hard and seem to know where every snag is. I've never been into it personally, they sometimes cast very long distances and might camp out 3 days for 1 bite/run so presumably don't want to take any chances. I'll ask the question now, you got me wondering...

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I personally love the Vid. All my family in Europe are mad about Carp fishing. Reminds me of times I've spent fishing with them. As for the heavy gear, I think you would need it if you hooked onto a 20kg monster and you were battling it in a Snag filled river. They pull like trains.

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I'm no expert on course fishing but i know many of their target species haave very soft mouths. Also believe the huge rods help not only with some of the long distance casts but help prevent pulling hooks. It is a highly technical form of fishing from what i have seen. I can only assume the reels are that size for line capacity, on a very long cast i'd hate to have a fish of a life time spool me. Got a dvd here, some of these blokes use nikko pens to 'cammo' their trace line... I find it quite interesting and this vid was great. Thanks for posting.

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They were selling camo sinkers years ago too, not just painted but also with hay/ straw and grass bits on them. Also seen pictures of them fishing in gilly (sniper) suits when stalking big ones.

If it ever gets that hard to catch a fish I think i'll look for a different hobby, I struggle as it is lol

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