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Expensive trip to np

Plastic Man

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After the last two trips to freshwater dams were stu and myself struck out we went to old faithful np were we were sure we could get some bass.

Got there around day brake and off we headed after not long stu was onto his first for the day not bad around 40cm fl then the snags started i think we lost 3 jackels 4 river2sea crankbaits and 2 spinerbaits all for the seven bass we ended up with.

Oh well this is why we have these lures so we can go fishing still got some bass better then working hey nice way to spend a saterday morning.

stu biggest 42cmfl [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/t_003_AFO.jpg


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You did better than me today at Mcgavin view - 4 hours for nothing. Sorry to hear about those jackalls...me and a mate today were joking about taking along some snorkelling/scuba gear later in the year to see what we could find. Bit worried about the blue green algae though...;)

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haha, good stuff guys.

Ahh, don't wanna steal the post or anything but try going in the arvo instead, I went last saturday for 2 bass and this afternoon and all the weeks before that in the arvo and got waaay more. 30 today and mostly the same the other days.

Sucks losing jackalls ay? If you want a slightly cheaper alternative give the ecogear vt650's a go, got loads on them today.

good stuff again guys!

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