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Noosa tuna fire up


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The beauty about working for yourself is that on days like today when I was working away peering out at the glassed out ocean I thought I’m going home and going fishing. I knew that tomorrow as a result would be crazy busy but sometimes you just have to follow you instincts. At 1pm I was launching at the boat ramp and at 4 pm I was back. The 3 hours in between was absolute mayhem.

My plan was to hit the outter bay to troll for Spaniards however once I neared the Jew shoal I noticed a few birds working in the distance and went in chase. The further north I ventured the thicker the bird flocks became and after 15 mins or so I had my first shot at a feeding school of tuna. I was casting plastics with the Favourite and 5000 Salina reel and once I hit the target all I had to do was twitch the rod tip and wait for the line to start peeling off a rate of knots. The fight was short but brutal with 20lb main line and a small yellow fin was boated. Hell yeah sashimi for the misses on Valentines day, I’m going to get some loving.


On the second shot another similar sized yellow fin was boated also with a small twitch in amongst the melee. As the afternoon progressed the feeding frenzies became more furious and intense. After boating 4 yellow fins and pulling the hooks on a few I moved to another school in the distance and on the second cast a respectable mack tuna was landed. Vermin!


There were bust ups starting all around me so I started to really pick my schools, it is an awesome feeling when you actually get to pick your targets. I found some slightly larger fish and within a few casts I had 2 stripped tuna landed and released.


These fish fought really well and were very thick in girth. The average size would have only been a few kilos but what they lacked in size was made up for in numbers. I followed the bigger mosh pits toward Sunshine reef and found another patch of yellow fin. Here I had another 2 yellow fin boated before I clumsily broke my rod through absolute stupidity.


The only other rods I had were 2 trolling rigs set up with 50lb and I wasn't going to start throwing that gear around. It was 3:45 so I made the call to head back.

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