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living the dream


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RIghto. The last post doesn't seem to have uploaded :evil: so ill try again. Though i do feel I've used up my quota of wit today Ill give it a red hot crack!

Ive spent the last few weeks in the bush and Ive just about had a gut full of it for a while to be honest. Have a strange desire to clean my feet. Getting to the stage where I'm not sure if I'm tanned or dirty if you know what I mean blokes.

In any case, some amazing fish in deadly places have been the reward for dirty feet the last few weeks. Unforgettable sights both on and off the line. 300 lbs groper taking metre+ Queenies at the boat and a croc so big it had a whole cow in its mouth swimming downstream just to mention a few.

Whilst these fish are a top groper bait-I maintain the best part about catching them is watching them race out across the flats and smash a lure or fly and the inexorable acrobatics that ensue


Like wise these fish. Whilst I lament that Australia's Tarpon (ox eye herring) aren't as large as they are in the U.S-watching a half an acre of these fish tail and then get a double hookup on the first cast is pretty special


If you're lucky enough to get onto a school of these brilliant fish you can catch one after the either once they are frenzied. These particular fish were caught in 3 metres of water on deep fly, hardbodies, vibes, micro jigs and plastics. We even had multiple double hookups.


In some places. If pristine, you can sight fish Jacks. The biggest issue is getting through these guys!


Catching these fish out of our humble roof tinny where the best piece of tech is a lifejacket has been some of the most rewarding fishing Ive done. Ive caught plenty of fish across about 20 years now but when you have no sounder, no gps, a two stroke pre mix yammy and lashings of home brew, catching fish is about as rewarding as it gets.

Tight lines,


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