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First Toga/s


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I FINALLY had the opportunity to go for a fish on Sunday for the first time in a month.

Wayne and I were planning on heading offshore or in the bay, but unfortunately the forecast was not in our favour so Wayne put forward the idea of going to Borumba dam to try for a Saratoga.

I now make Wayne's lunch for him so he has something less to get ready before fishing, so Wayne's wife gave me his favourite lunch box. Apparently he doesn't like eating out of any other lunch box.


Alarms were set for 1am but as usual I woke up early and made my way to Wayne's place.

We arrived at first light at the dam and were keen to find some surface feeding toga!

It didn't take too long before we started to hear and see the occasional tail-whack made by these beautiful fish engulfing their meal.

We started casting at the lillypads, snags and dam edge and it wasn't long before the water exploded in front of me and I was on! Unfortunately it spat the hooks a couple of seconds later.

A few casts later my zman frog was taken off the surface again by an even bigger fish and I carefully steered my first Toga into the net! :woohoo: It measured 76cm and was quickly released after a couple of happy snaps.

I was so stoked and honoured to catch such a stunning prehistoric fish!




I hooked up again on the surface and landed another fish, probably in the high 60's before it was released after a couple of quick photos.


The morning surface bite started to slow down and Wayne was yet to get on the board. He managed to pull a nice little yella out of a likely looking snag which seemed to give a good account for itself on his Nordic Jaeger.


Well, not much to report on the next 8-9 hours while we waiting for dusk to hopefully turn the toga on again.

We persisted all day casting at structure and the edges but only for half a dozen hits.

I managed to hook another Toga on a spinnerbait but got bricked in its snag. We watched the poor thing jump out of the water a few times soon after, trying to shake out the spinner bait which was in the corner of its mouth.

I also managed a pesky bass and that was just about it for the day! :(


At least the scenery was very nice and there were plenty of things to look at. Beautiful dam.


All in all it was still such a great day and I am so happy to have landed a couple of the target species and hook a couple more. Thanks again for taking me out Wayne, it was good fun as usual.



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It was a fun day and as usual you out fished me. That's the largest horse Toga I've seen in the flesh and it needed a saddle. :)

I see you conveniently left out the best catch of the day, caught on a micro mullet lure my bloody turtle :blush:

and for you to tell me the other 4 hits I missed were also turtles was just rubbing salt into the wound. :P

I don't who hangs more $hit on me, you or my wife, and now your teaming up against me :ohmy: At least the grub was good. ;)

You fished very well yesterday and deserved the fish, we'll have to set a new target fish and see how we go.

Thanks for doing the report.

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