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Quick pine trip


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A bloke I knew from school messaged me the other day about getting his first boat.

I was happy to give him advice from what I learnt boat searching and he came over and checked it out. He like it so much that he decided it's exactly what he wants after looking at a few slightly bigger boats (half cabin sort of boats).

Anyway, I took him out for a test run on Sunday so he could see how it performed and hopefully catch a few flathead.

I headed out into the bay so I could show him how it handled a bit of chop and almost straight away saw a very large mac tuna bust up just a few hundred metres from the bridge! Definitely wasn't expecting that. They didn't hang around for long and couldn't find them again.

Went back into the pine and caught an undersized flathead before going home.

He was very impressed with how the boat performed and it's stability and is calling around getting quotes today :whistle: .

Anyway, that was a really pointless report, but it's done now so I'm just going to post it :D

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