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A Pleasant Morning


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Had a pleasant drive, plus a pleasant morning up  at Baroon yesterday. Wind stayed away, rain stayed away and the sun was bearable. Took awhile to track down the school of fish , but hey thats fishing, thats the part of the session I like best, they can swim but they cant hide, well sometimes they can:lol:

I remembered the fun I had last time on my arrival with the spangles, so I put on a surface lure and got stuck into them for 10 mins, then off to spot one for a couple of fish. Continued on my way around the dam looking for a school, found a small one so had a bit of fun on blades before  a bit more fun on shrimp. On my way around the dam noticed plenty of weed beds, so I cast a blade in front of them and it was spangle after spangle. So I moved on to my last spot picking up a few more bass. All up 44 bass,about 20 spangles and 2 whopper tandans.













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you are not allowed to use non indigenous fish or noxious fish for bait, but you can use fish from that location you are fishing. so the answer is yes you can use spangles, unless rules for that dam say you cant. There are cod in a lot of waters but you are not allowed to target them in a lot of places.Check rules for each dam.


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On 17/02/2017 at 10:58 AM, Drop Bear said:

Sounds like a great trip! And thanks for the report. 

Are you aloud to use spangles as livebaits? Ethically or legally I mean. Are there any cod in those waters?

Good question. We have thought about it but not tried it. Cod stocking seems to have fairly dubious return. The only place I have seen significant cos capture in an seq impoundment is Somerset back when Neil Schultz used to write a lot. He has the fish there worked out.

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I've used them as livies, small ones looking for bass, not much return.

the baroon pocket spangleds are legendary, I took both my sons up there to teach them how to use surface lures. Absolutely guaranteed they will swarm all over any surface lures tossed in their general direction. Great fun for kids.

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