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Coomera River Species?


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Hi All

I have been fishing in the coomera for around a year now and got utterly smashed yesterday, and i am trying to think about what species it could have been so i can change my rig.

I was using one of the below lures, 10am, start of the run out. Abu Garcia Veritas Rod 1-3kg and reel, 10 braid, 15lb leader. 


As soon as i lifted the lure off the bottom, the fish struck and it was gone, before i knew it i was half spooled. I tightened my drag 3 times and seemed to make no difference whatsoever.

5 mins later, All went calm, start to reel in and got busted off. The leader was chewed and smashed to hell. 


Now today, i caught a 60cm flattie. No problems whatsoever using the same set up, didnt feel under pressure or anxious compared to the day before where i had no control at all

I have also caught a number of 80-120cm bull sharks in the coomera also, again big runs but nothing compared to this. 

What could this have been? Are there Trevally around in the coomera at this time of year? I wasnt around structure so i doubt it was a Jack. 

Any thoughts?



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Hey mate was the jig sitting on the bottom? There are big stingrays in that river and they can be impossible to stop. Either that or a big shark. There are trevally in there too so could have been that but my money is on a stingray. 

Another option is an Oyster Cracker aka Snub Nosed Dart aka Permit. I have not heard of them being down there but you would struggle to stop one. 

Could the fraying could be from snags or tail or shark teeth? How far up the line was it?

I hope you had fun all the same :D

BTW it wasn't a Drop Bear. I'd know about it for sure by now

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Hi Dropbear - thanks for the reply!

The jig was right on the bottom, i waited for it to drop. then waited a few more seconds. Then literally as soon as i tightened the line and made my first twitch something took it and raaaaaan. I have caught a small stingray before but are big ones usually big runners. At the time the run just seemed relentless...as i mentioned above i have caught some pretty decent sized bullies on light gear and nothing compared to that.

The fraying was right above where the lure was, so i am think it swallowed the lure completely and the leader was the only thing poking out of its mouth. The line looked worn and rubbed. Not necessarily teeth marks though. 


It was great fun, but a very panicky 5 mins. Its the first time i have ever caught a fish and felt as though i had no control and made no dent into its energy or run lol

What do you mean by a drop bear? 



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Jew love those tail spinners and the coomera get there fair share down the gold coast. What depth where you fishing mate. Also seen rogue GT's down around the weir that have looked like VW beetle bonnets smashing bait. At the end of the day it could had been any beast. I guess thats what keeps us keen and going back for more:frantics:. Id get down there with a 20lb spin outfit similar lure but maybe in a 1/2 or 3/8 ounce blade. Work the area over and try and raise another. 

Good luck 

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Thanks Cobiaaddict

I was fishing off the bank at around 2-3 meters roughly, and casted in around 1/4 acorss the river.

I was thinking a Jewy too, but i have never caught one so 1. I dont know what they feel like on the strike 2. that would make me even sadder that i didnt land it!

I havent ever used those tail spinners before. Session yesterday got busted off in 10 mins by something. Session today caught a lovely flathead that i just had for dinner in 15 mins. They seem to be very popular!

I will take your advise on the 20lb leader, but wont that decrease my hit rate? 

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11 minutes ago, mjudge said:

Thanks Cobiaaddict

I was fishing off the bank at around 2-3 meters roughly, and casted in around 1/4 acorss the river.

I was thinking a Jewy too, but i have never caught one so 1. I dont know what they feel like on the strike 2. that would make me even sadder that i didnt land it!

I havent ever used those tail spinners before. Session yesterday got busted off in 10 mins by something. Session today caught a lovely flathead that i just had for dinner in 15 mins. They seem to be very popular!

I will take your advise on the 20lb leader, but wont that decrease my hit rate? 

Jew are jew mate and they are quite intelligent fish with how they approach prey. Personally i found they hit blades and vibes just as us you lift them off the bottom.  Some guys find they hit you on the drop and get a head start heading for structure before you know your hooked up.  Moving up in line class from 15lb to 20lb fluro carbon will drop your hook up rate a fraction but when do hook a solid fish your a better chance at landing it. I used to fish for jacks in coomera  river at night and live bait with 60lb leaders that would come back  shredded and go none from 5 hook ups:no: in sessions.  

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1 hour ago, mjudge said:

What do you mean by a drop bear? 

Bad joke is all. soz

Could have been a Jew. I have caught little ones in the coomera as a kid. 

Lots of options really. 

I hope your flathead was tasty. I love them. If you keep at it you will get plenty down that way. 

Next time you go can you take a few pics and give us a bit of a report? We love reading fishing stories :)

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@Drop Bear I live on the coomera river, my back garden is right on the river - just down from the M1. So i fish there pretty much everyday. Ill pop down in the morning at sunrise with a coffee and flick a few surface lures around to wake up :) im blessed. Especially for me as i am english and only moved here a year ago. If anyone has any questions about the coomera just ask :) I fish from where i am all the way to the wier, be it on land or kayak.

I am doing an early morning session tomorrow so will report back. :)

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Good read mate. As the others have said, there are quite a few options, and another is a shovelnose shark (leader could have rubbed off on it's sandpapery skin). Hopefully it was a jewie though and you go back and get revenge soon. You will get jewies during the day (just not me unfortunately, all of mine were at night), and the tide change/slack water is the time to target them. Good luck and let us know if you get revenge :) 

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9 hours ago, mjudge said:

Are Jewfish around during the day? I thought they only bite at night?

yep they are there all the time. They often bite better at night.

If you are are after Jewfish get a cast net and float out some live mullet. It takes a bit more work to get live baits but you put yourself in a different league. Jack love them too. Jewfish can be lazy. try and target deeper water out of a current where they can just hang out and like KM said slack water.

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Could have been many different species but with the leader ruffed up it narrows it a bit I would lean towards a good size cod they are so strong and will leave the leader like that a shark can sometimes ruff up the leader with their skin but mostly just snip it clean off Jew and threadfin salmon both have raspy teeth 1 thing is for sure it was a brute to not slow even with all that pressure you added

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i have seen jew in there, threadfin salmon as well up the river by the powerlines. I have been utterly destroyed in there a number of occasions. Massive rays have also robbed me of gear as well. It gets its fair share of big fish moving through. I have seen big barracuda way up by the little island as well. its a cool system

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Thanks for all the suggestions guys

We just got the boat back from the yard so will be going out in the middle tomorrow night and throwing out some live mullet to see whether the Jewies love us or not ;)

Threadfin salmon & cod are great shouts. I have caught cod before and know that they fight, but wouldnt have thought it would be out in the river? I thought they stay in structure?

Went out this morning, came up pretty blank. Caught a large number of Bream, and had a live mullet that got annhilated by something. It was one huge bite on the rod, then i just got back half a livey ;)

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8 hours ago, mjudge said:

Thanks for all the suggestions guys

We just got the boat back from the yard so will be going out in the middle tomorrow night and throwing out some live mullet to see whether the Jewies love us or not ;)

Threadfin salmon & cod are great shouts. I have caught cod before and know that they fight, but wouldnt have thought it would be out in the river? I thought they stay in structure?

Went out this morning, came up pretty blank. Caught a large number of Bream, and had a live mullet that got annhilated by something. It was one huge bite on the rod, then i just got back half a livey ;)

Nice one mate. If you catch any please put up a report. We love reading reports here. You could also win report of the month!

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