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23/11/07 Fishing Adventure

fat foot

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Basically me and some mates ventured down to a little hidden away fishing spot we frequent, discovered by flathead and pinkey. We were pretty successful and caught a good variety of fish including, a nice Threadfin, a Bream, a crab and loads of Catfish.

We took some photos, so here they are.






Of course, as fate normally has it the female catches the most and ash caught the only bream (32cm) and the threadfin there, which we bled and gutted, should be pretty tasty.



Good practice before the BRC. :)

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yeah mack i dream of the day i get a hit on a lure at that spot, ive tried for hours and hours without a touch. Best bait there is prawns because threadys love em and you can catch anything on them ( exept shark or scat :P ) but I HATE it when were struggling to get a few prawns and you finnaly get a nice juicey thready looking prawn and 1min after hitting the water a catty has got it...

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