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Im a scat man! Saterday quick fish in the brissy.


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Yesterday i went for a quick fish down the road from me with flathead before i had to go to a party. The tide was VERY high, and about second cast i felt abit of weight in the net and pulled up this cute fish my first ever scat, prawns were very scarse, with only about 5 netted which 4 went to big catties 50oddcm. Although my first live prawn i threw out got belted sending my rod into a violent hissing fit, i hooked up and it was fighting pretty well and different to a cattty with fast runs, i knew it was a threadfin from the moment i hooked it, after a few miniutes of fighting it was heading towards a tree in the water, i couldnt turn it on the 6lb, it did an almighty leap and ping snapped my leader, our guess it was a nice thready around 60cm.. Callum had one good shark run to reel in half a cattie. I was sad to have lost what would probly of been my biggest thready but happy to get my first scat, i think its a spotted scat. All fish were released ( exept prawns ) :P

Wasnt gonna make a report about it but made it anyway

heres the scat. Went 27cm aparrently they only grow to the low 30's so i am happy.

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC05612_AFO-ab8a20cc5d90fac5ee13ba360a76cf51.jpg


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