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Wellington point jetty fishing


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G'day everyone, thinking of trying Wellington point soon but never fished there before. I'm really big on live bait fishing and was wondering if there's much that hangs around under the pier. Should I use live bait jigs or a net and what bait have people been getting. Also, what fish other than bream, Whiting, flathead have been getting caught recently. What baits and techniques have people had most luck with in the past. All replies will very much appreciated.

Cheers Joseph.

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A good tip for pike is to use about a #2 whiting hook with a small sinker above it. 

Get a micro fiber cloth (I use Red but white works just as well) and cut a small strip out of it (about 5cm x about 1cm)

hook one end of the cloth onto the hook and cast and retrieve. It is deadly. Even if the Pike miss the hook there backwards facing teeth catch in the fabric. 

I also like to eat pike... not many others do but they are delicious. 

If you float the smaller live pike out under a float you can catch other fish like school mackerel and Tailor. 

Pieces of pike will catch you Bream and squire. 

Long fin Tuna sometime hang around those areas and they can be caught on slugs and plastics but this is a rare catch. 

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