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Flathead at Mt. Crosby

Plastic Fantastic

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Hey guys long time no see! been up at Schoolies then Darwin so haven't had much time to hop on here :unsure:

Any who, went down to my favorite spot a good kilometer or so downstream from the Mt. Crobsy Weir. this spot really fires when there is a high level of fast flowing water, as it is a bottle neck at the end of a big pool. Anyway, after tangling with the cobblers pegs and over grown grass (lack of cows and abundance of rain) I finally made it to my destination. The water was extremely murky, think its from the run off where the pipes are being built further downstream :S makes fishing difficult.

Recently purchased one of the new Stradics in the 2500 size and was keen to try it out. So out went the Gulp! and after about 5 missed strikes from big bream and tarpon (hooks were blunt from too many Darwin Trevs! :laugh: )I finally hook something that stays on. Thought it was a snag till my drag screamed in protest as the fish, using the current, took almost half my line of! Should have seen the look on my face when I led a 58cm flathead of all things onto the shore! I mean I no they live this far up, I've seen dead ones but had no idea they go this big up here! And to top it off it was my new PB! :) Lucky I landed him though! I was using 6lb flurocarbon trace!

Well thats all I got to report from the Mid Brissy River at the moment, thanks for putting up with this report haha it's been a while since I've written one!

[img size=214]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/58cm_Dusky_Flathead___75mm_Gulp__Jigging_Grub__Mt.jpg

Healthy looking fish too!


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