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is this normal to have slack/wobble in a brand new reel out of the box

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So I purchased a new reel for my rod since I haven’t been fishing in a long time 10+ years and my old reel has some corrosion.

I purchased a Shimano Miravel C3000HG the other day at BCF took it out of the box this afternoon to put some line on it for this weekend and I was looking at the reel and noticed that the reel has a lot wobble on the spool no idea why I don’t think this is normal to have this much wobble even if you tighten up the drag it still does it and then would probably be too much drag for bream or flathead 

Is this a faulty reel should I take it back and get them to look at it 

I don’t know what do you all think about this 

cheers Rick 

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57 minutes ago, Huxstang said:

Is spool fully seated on the spindle?  Not sure on that model but if any of the metal drag washers didnt index properly on the spindle the spool may not be fully seated.  Did you remove spool at all?


No mate i haven’t removed the spool 

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It’s all good BCF tested multiple types of Shimano reels even the same model all have the pretty much the same wobble even some other brands he picked up in the display had a bit of wobble it’s got 10 year warranty so if anything comes of it if it fails I’ll get a replacement or repair 

thank you all for your help 🙂 


Cheers Rick

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Out of interest did a comparison between my Sustain 3000 and 5000 (same generation reels) and a Stradic 5000 (new model).  The two 5000’s have minimal rock whilst the 3000 (and same on an earlier Sustain 3000) has a reasonable amount of rocking.

If I recall correctly the larger size has a lower and upper drag stack so that would hold the spool much more from any lateral rocking.  

Hope that helps put your mind at ease.

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Just out of curiosity I had a look at the spin reels I have, I only have Penn Spinfisher Liveliners V4 and V5,  2500-4500-6500 sizes and mine barely moved about 1mm or so, (I didn't test the 8500  as it was buried amongst the other reels), I don't know if it is just the design of the spools, or it might have to do with how the drag stack or bearings are done. I personally wouldn't be happy with that much wobble as it would just annoy me.

I mainly use overheads/baitcasters and very rarely the spin gear, so don't get that issue.

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