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Name that fish.

Bri The Pom

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Dan23 wrote:

I swear a toadie tried to bite me the other day. Nearly got me too.

Toadie's have been known to bite off peoples toes while they are standing in the water. But they are big ones on reef syetems up north I think:S

Our little estuary ones often bite us while we're cast netting

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pinkey wrote:

ive been bitten by toadies while in the water at frazer, just glad they wernt sharks.

I got bitten by a bream the other day lol.

PS, does my number of posts freak you out muhahahaha

dam pressed quote instead of edit :( it used to be on 666, i ruined it :(.

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  • 2 months later...

I dont disagree with jd77's remark. If im not eating or using a fish for bait, it goes back as unharmed as I can whether its "vermin" or not.

I think I broke that rule a couple of time as a kid with toad fish though :P But you live and learn.


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