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Spinnerbait storage


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Well apart from the mess of untangling all of them when you want to pull one out, the kids want their lunch boxes back, so I have decided to try and get a proper spinner bait tackle box.

The local fishing tackle joints dont seem to be to big on spinnerbait storage, so its looking like time for a Mo Tackle order.

They have two types in stock, the first holds 22, the second 36.



So what I am after is a bit of advice from anyone using them, are they ok and would they recommend 2 smaller ones, or one of the bigger ones?

I am inclined to two smaller ones, one for 1/4's and the other for 1/2's and 3/4's oz.

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Now there's an idea faulked, just have to wait for my daughter to go to her friends down the road, and the spice girls are going to get evicted for a trial!

OK trialed the CD case, works to a point, you can only get about 10 spinner baits in before it is as thick as the case, and they tend to fall out if not opened to right way.

But good if you only want to cart/store a few for "just in case".

I'll still get a plano box to keep them all in, but might use the CD case idea for when I am not seriously thinking about using spinner baits, and only want to take a few.

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I've a bunch of $2 zip up Cd wallets from one of the cheap shops and as Faulked says they work fine.

Much better than zip lock bags which don't stop the hooks piercing your nipples when carried in shirt pockets. OUCH.

I can carry enough spinners for a day hiking/paddling in my pockets using the CD wallets and don't need to carry a tackle box at all.


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I have both of the s/bait box's,I use the large one for storage and the small one to take in the boat so you can have your choice of s/baits for what dam you are fishing. When fishing from the bank, which is quite a bit, I use a folder from tackleworld which holds 10 to 30 s/baits.

A bit of good advice was added by Kev, try to keep them as dry as you can,as if left wet this stains the blades after awhile. I usualy pull all of mine out every couple of weeks and give them a good wash in warm soapy water.If you let them get dull you don't catch fish simple.

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