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Brownie Points


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Well a wet blowy weekend not good for boating so I thought I would rack up a few Brownies with a bit of house and wifes car maintance:( ,but first I will just do a couple of little jobs on the boat :) wont take long. First install a ep-60 fuel flow sensor and link up to the gps so I can cringe every time I push the throttle down. Next fit a fuel vapor sensor so that if I get a fuel leak in the bilge I will know about it befor they are picking my sorry ass up out of the drink. Then I get a phone call to inform me that the fence around my job site has blown over so off to fix that. Back home again should get onto that car stuff:( But I will just finish up in the boat first:) now to fit a digital volt gauge and deadacated outlet for the fridge so i can make sure the beers not going to go warm . Now for those other jobs opps to late creek to coast is on in 10mins OH well maybe tomorrow:laugh:

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