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Desperate for a Flathead :(


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This may sound odd to some people but the truth is I haven't caught a flathead in my entire fishing life ( all 8 months of it, hehe).

Could anyone please give me tips on:

a) Which lures/ bait to use

B) Which spot to go to (northside preferably).

I'm quite keen to get my first flatty today. After doing so many hours at work, I just need to take my mind off stress.

Thanks everyone. :)


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i'd be using a medium sized soft plastic like the squidgy fish for example, hop it along the bottom (must be on the bottom) so choose a jighead size that will get it down to the bottom without completely anchoring it there. As for places to try, nudgee beach and the mouth of the pine usually have a few flatties.

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3 Inch Gulp plastics in most models. Go to Ningi creek there are a few land based spots. This should put you in with a good chance.

Make sure you come along to the Bribie trip and the Pin Trip. Plenty of flathead will be caught at those I am gussing.


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For locations; Fish the area most familiar to you. Target creek mouths, mangrove gutters, especially on the run out, the edges of weed beds, behind any fallen mangrove logs, gravel bars, around pylons and anywhere you see baitfish schooling in shallow water (anything less than 3m).

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Schultzy wrote:

This lure flicked off the bottom anywhere that flathead live. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Bonza.JPG

I know they look the goods, but I haven't for the life of me been able to hook a fish with those pre-rigged bozos. I have that exact colour. They swim beautifully though, so I think I've just been unlucky so far.

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me neither:( i'm not sure if maybe there a little big or if they sink to quick but i can't even get a hit. again i totally agree with Username_taken they swim great though.

My two best SP caught flatties(58cm,62cm) have come on 3" powerbait minnows with a 1/40 jighead fished on 4lb. even though it goes against the norm of fishing for flatties with heavy jigheads i've caught both of these in the space of a month or two using the light jighead. I've tried many years of sp fishing with heavy jigheads with ok but not great results so maybe this could be an approach worth trying.

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username_taken wrote:

Schultzy wrote:
This lure flicked off the bottom anywhere that flathead live. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Bonza.JPG

I know they look the goods, but I haven't for the life of me been able to hook a fish with those pre-rigged bozos. I have that exact colour. They swim beautifully though, so I think I've just been unlucky so far.

Guy's the key to using these pre rigged Sp's is to use a fast upwards ripping action and a medium/fast retrieve as they tend to be to heavy for most flathead conditions.

Myself and my

9yr old son have caught plenty of flathead using these plastics. Also as the old saying goes "Big lures = big fish" dont be shy to throw around 6" Sp's as the bigger flatties love them and there is also chance of bagging a Jewfish while searching for Flathead. The location Schultzy suggested are spot on though U can also try fast moving water, eddies(areas of swirling water) and dont forget to try the down current side of crab traps!! Some of my better Flathead have come from behind the traps!! Good luck!!

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username_taken wrote:

Schultzy wrote:
This lure flicked off the bottom anywhere that flathead live. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Bonza.JPG

I know they look the goods, but I haven't for the life of me been able to hook a fish with those pre-rigged bozos. I have that exact colour. They swim beautifully though, so I think I've just been unlucky so far.


We use these where there is a little depth inthe water or a fair run in the tide. On a recent trip one of my mates was going fishless using his usual light heads (1/8) while I was loading up on lizards. When I suggested a change to more weight he immediately hooked up. He simply wasn't getting to the bottom. We were in 3m of water with a reasonable tidal flow. The key is flicking, bouncing the lure off the bottom with a sharp snap of the rod. Quite often the flathead will eat the lure as it is sinking back down. You often don't feel the take and simply hit the fish on the next lift.

If you are fishing shallow water and want a lighter lure try the 75mm Bozos Smelt. We get plenty of flathead on them in the salt and just as many bass in the fresh.

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