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1770 october 08


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The countdown is on. leaving Brisbane on the 9th october for 10 days offshore fun at 1770.

There are 18 of us going. We are staying at 1770 caravan park on the water.

Also we are meeting up with another group of guys going up as well. Apparently there are 15 or so of them.

Cant wait.


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shortie wrote:

The countdown is on. leaving Brisbane on the 9th october for 10 days offshore fun at 1770.

There are 18 of us going. We are staying at 1770 caravan park on the water.

Also we are meeting up with another group of guys going up as well. Apparently there are 15 or so of them.

Cant wait.


there could be a friendly comp going on here:cheer:
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was there last weekend, I didnt have a boat though! Was told there are huge GTs around the 20kg mark around the headland along with queenfish, kingfish, big mackeral etc etc. Went and had a look and there are some great rock fishing spots there! easy to get to and to land fish. Also there was a heap of bait fish in the surf at agnus(spelling?)waters. The fish N chip shop at Agnus was great!!!

Cheers, Mick.

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Should be marginally better tomorrow, but not much. Still a small craft advisory.

This link might be worth checking every few days to help you plan your days.

Don't think there's going to be too many glorious days this coming week though. The yak may get a workout (and you too:laugh: )


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yesterday the weather ws crap as well.

Got the shits and braved the so called 20-25kts

wind blew 34kts most of the day.

headed for Bustard Heads. to try around middle rock and do a bit of spear fishing.

Had a wave break on the side of the boat throwing 4 of us to 1 side. seriously thought we were going for a swim. was very close

Was worse than a washing machine out there.

Dive visability was about 1 mtr.

Got the anchor stuck at middle rock. Only way out was to cut it off.

got 3 fish (keepers) but nothing really worth while.

took neally 2 hours to get back to 1770.

Stupidly we were the only boat out there except for a 50+ ft.

The others have braved the conditions as well today. I obviously havnt.

Benno had better look after my boat out there today.

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