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Fishing etiquette-people keeping undersize fish?


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bogan wrote:

kreel wrote:
So back to this DPI woman.

Here's the latest competition: next time you spot her you get

1 point for a photo of her in uniform

2 points for a photo of you with her

4 points for a photo of her on your brag mat

100 points for a photo of her out of uniform (civvies obviously)

...and remember its the DPI female only!

4 points for on the brag mat... lol... definatly interesting....

what points for the brag mat across her rrrrrr's or around her chest??;) ;) ;)

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1 time when i was diving off flat rock off point lookout, as we all know its a no fishing zone around flat and shag rock there, but we were diving it one time and saw people on surface air support lines down picking up crays and sea urchins so we approched them and found out that they had a special license to do it from the DPI as it was fpor a shop or somehting then the next day we saw a charter boat with 4 lines in so we sussed them out from our RHIB dive boat and started taking picties of them and they quickly took off after they found out they were caught red handed in a green zone lol so it dosent always need to be a DPI inspector all you need is a camera and them to realise theyve been busted

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kreel wrote:

So back to this DPI woman.

Here's the latest competition: next time you spot her you get

1 point for a photo of her in uniform

2 points for a photo of you with her

4 points for a photo of her on your brag mat

100 points for a photo of her out of uniform (civvies obviously)

...and remember its the DPI female only!

Just suggested to the boss that we do another joint operation with DPI on Somerset (does that make me ineligible?)

But on the undersize fish front, its unfortunate that in this day and age people not only take the fish, but are not as receptive in taking advice that they are breaking the law. And we all know in every tackle box is atleast one knife!

Copy down time, date, place, regos, descriptions and pass it on to the authorities. Is it here or NSW where there is a 1800 number you can call?

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kreel wrote:

So back to this DPI woman.

Here's the latest competition: next time you spot her you get

1 point for a photo of her in uniform

2 points for a photo of you with her

4 points for a photo of her on your brag mat

100 points for a photo of her out of uniform (civvies obviously)

...and remember its the DPI female only!

OK you're on!!

I want bonus points for a pic of her holding my rod though;)

Looks like I'm going to be spending a bit of time chaseing threadies and female DPI officers down at Comslie.;)


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