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The Current zoning plan


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This is off the epa site :angry: :angry: :angry:

Current zoning plan

Note: This is the current zoing plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park. The current zoning plan will remain in effect and continue to be enforeced until 1 March 2009, when it will be replaced by the new zoning plan.


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I seen a 1.5 meter sea turtle dead from being hit by a prop at nudgee a month ago, some others may have seen it too.

Stragtegic planning keeps our environment alive, there is a reason for these actions.

Im just guessing now.. but the population influx could have irrepairable damage.

I fully support rec fishing

also remember if there is growing/breeding/feeding ground for fish the surrounding fishing should pick up really (maybe?)

is this aimed at rec fishers alone?

BTW there is no key on that map

good post


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Thats the old / current map been in force a few years now. The key is on the big version for colour, but not for fishing rules. But from memory - basically Yellow zone is one hook (lure) one rod per person, Green zones no fishing, buffer zones no fishing, other zones normal rules apply.

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That stupid bitch bligh reckons that this 16% closure of moreton bay will allow our grandkids to continue to catch fish, And what would you know? Have u ever been fishing in your life, This is a load of ****, **** Labour and **** the greens.

Feral i dont think so because it states nudgee beach is a yellow zone which is 1 rod and its never been a yellow zone

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Shrimpo it happens down south in salt water, just needs sdomeone with a bit of drive in one of the fishing clubs to get off their bum and do it. I am heavily involved in fresh water stocking, (because thats where I fish) just needs someone with the drive to get the permissions and apply for a few grants, then order the fingerlings!.

The fish are available, they stock snapper and bream down south, jewfish just over the border in the tweed. The crew at Awoonga do Jack fingerlings as well, but they are difficult. (and expensive)

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$300 on the spot fines for those who play ignorant and fish in the zones, with signs at all boat ramps, jetties etcetc and also floating signs in the water at the edge of the zones :dry:

but i guess we got it lucky this time around as origionally they were planning to green zone the entire area around the hornibrook bridge and most of the areas around redcliffe :blink:

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Fisherjoe wrote:

$300 on the spot fines for those who play ignorant and fish in the zones, with signs at all boat ramps, jetties etcetc and also floating signs in the water at the edge of the zones :dry:

but i guess we got it lucky this time around as origionally they were planning to green zone the entire area around the hornibrook bridge and most of the areas around redcliffe :blink:

theres no fish there anyway..lol

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I would have no problem with establishing green zones if they were established using current scientific data. When they are picked out of the hat it is a load of codswallop. The zones and the 15% were picked out of the hat using so called wordls best practice with little or out of date data.

It is all to appease the greens. If they were fair dinkum they would not allow any more development of the port of brisbane or allow dredging of the bay to extend the airport.

Thats my spray for the night.


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you don't hear of any artificial reefs being placed around the bay at all, which was supposed to be a pay off thing for the closures, so make your own, things you need

5 bessa bricks

5 3 mtrs of rope

5 small floats

tie a piece of rope to the brick, the other end to the float, and bang, you have a fad in a spot that no one else knows of, but don't get caught, but who checks, ah yes, you need to drop it in water greater than 7-8 mtrs, and just ping the spot with your gps and give it a month...

i am not telling or asking anybody to do this at all

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rayke1938 wrote:

I would have no problem with establishing green zones if they were established using current scientific data. When they are picked out of the hat it is a load of codswallop. The zones and the 15% were picked out of the hat using so called wordls best practice with little or out of date data.

It is all to appease the greens. If they were fair dinkum they would not allow any more development of the port of brisbane or allow dredging of the bay to extend the airport.

Thats my spray for the night.


%100 agree well said mate!

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a comment from the courier mail, not mine.

"Dont believe the figure of 16% leaving 84% for fishing. Its like saying we are only taking 16% of the cricket ground, by the way its the pitch we're taking.The 16% will be the best, safest and easiest places to get to. Bligh- you stopped north bank due to local pressure, now its time to stop this insanity"

Posted by: Transporter of Brisbane 3:32pm today

Comment 22 of 40

and rob, well said. makes me frustrated again... i need my meds.

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oh god, don't let ellicat see this one. what ray has said is entirely correct. the green zones are based on absolute rubbish evidence in nearly all cases. the only one i can say is correct is myora near dunwich, which contains the greatest diversity of hard coral in the bay - and is being denoted a green zone and a no anchoring zone. other than that, the rest are just crap crap and more crap, designed purley to get greens preferences at the last election, which ironically labor look like losing at the next election anyway! i saw on the news tonight they are talking about having floating signage on the water to stop people fishing these zones. i look at the current level of "signage" i.e none and somehow doubt these claims. i also heard that fines can be up to $1500 for fishing inside the green zones... :angry:

a far better way to manage the fishery is to locally decrease bag limits of the major target species in the heavily fished areas, maybe even consider a closed season for certain species to coincide with their spawning. i agree that regulations must be in place to allow the future of the bay, however, the way the government has gone about it is totally up to sh!t. as it is, it stinks to high heaven.

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Shrimpo wrote:

Totally agree with you benno, I would be all for bag limits to be decreased and size limits increased, Does anna bligh even know the difference between a flathead and a bream?
mate she wouldn't have a bloody clur on bag or size limits, i'd love to see a reporter ask her that
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I was shown a map yesterday of the proposed sites for man made reefs, There was a couple near bribie, another one very close to harry's and a few others.

While this all sounds great, how long will it take to catch a fish there? Once the weekend boaters know where they are they'll get a flogging right from the start.:huh: It's a step in the right direction.


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We all know Simon has a fixed agenda and will make stuff up to support his wrong views:angry:

I've already had a lot to say on this and I'm just about all "sayed" out:blink:

Here's a link to the map of the proposed theft of our fisheries http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/register/p02685aa.pdf

Have a zoom in and look at Nudgee and you'll see that Nundah Creek is a green zone. The reasoning is to protect some birds....:blink: :S :blink: :S Can't recall ever hearing about a great fishing session on birds there before, but there you go:blink: :S :blink: :S

Here's some threads that have covered this before for those that are interested







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You will be able to with upto 2 rods per person (yellow zone), I still dont understand if you look closely at cabbage tree creek theirs 2 tiny areas of blue zone and yellow zone, How the hell are we meant to no these areas when their probably less then 100m2, Im sure they will put signs up every 200metres or so on the border of a green zone, Hell the epa wouldnt even know where a green or yellow zone is.

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i see it like this

most of the pro fishermen reckon, the fish in moreton bay migrate, they don't live in the bay,

so even if they made to whole bay a green zone, how long would it take for the fish to return,,, If the aren't there in the first place

is the problem somewhere else, eg offshore as a lot of fish do come into the bay to spawn as most already know, i wonder how many do make it back to the ocean

and i am opening up another can of worms here, but this is what actually goes on...:angry:

a pro baot goes for a fish to deep tempest,and yeah he does pretty well with another person on board, = 93 squirey snapper,,Now this trip is a social trip, with no records kept in the log book,,so how on earth does this pro get away with this sort of behavier,in my opinion they should be made to tell when they plan on going for a trip with some sort of fishing authorities, and they can be checked when they get back to the ramps.. they should also be checked out there by fisheries for a log on time.

and if a pro boat has not logged on,maybe some sort of fine, for MAYBE sneaky behaviour, as pro's are only out for 1 reason, and it's not to spend time with friends and family trying to catch a feed and enjoying the whole experience

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Gee Rob, You've got it in for the pros lately :pinch:

How long do you reckon that sort of behaviour has been going on ?

If it has been going on for a long time it can't have done too much damage because they still go there and still get fish.

I'm pretty sceptical about this whole depleted fish stocks thing. Have never seen any definitive data to say it is so. Only speculation etc etc. Azza pointed out just the other week that the DPI&F have produced data on the depletion of snapper stocks since 1945 to a forecast in 2013 (or thereabouts). He then said they couldn't answer where the data came from because no records were even begun until 1996.:blink:

I'm a believer in the "build it and they will come" philosophy - i.e. Provided there is an acceptable environment to support fish there will be fish (with the rider that it is couple with appropriate management techniques like bag limits etc)

The Brisbane River is a great example. Was just talking to my dad about it on the weekend. He fished it like a lot of people and witnessed a good period that declined significantly to the point of it just be a catfish sanctuary. It deteriorated in line with the environment of the river turning to crap. Then in the mid/late 1990's they stopped the dredging and started policing the dumping of industry waste. Look at it these days - there's even bloody tuna in the lower reaches!

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how long are these bans on for?are they forever or a 2 yerar trial or what?

i think that even tackle shops will struggle now that everyones spots are running out.

i for one will lose 3 out of my 5 best fishing spots..thank christ they have extended to sunny coast or id have none

however now these "old spots" are all green..it will be intersting to see how many good spots the bay has that time forgot

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saltshaker,in answer to your question,how long for?,2 questions for you..

When has a government taken from you,in the interest of what they say is for the best,and given it back to you.

The Greenies wanted 30% closed off,do you think they`re happy with 15%,and will they now,go away, and let fisherpeople enjoy their sport/recreation in the areas now left

I am sure this is another lost battle ,in a politically motivated biased war.

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efc wrote:

if the re-zoning can help with fish, dugong and green turtle stocks im all for it.

Personally i would prefer to find a new fishing spot and burn some fuel rather then paying a re-stocking fee

In that case you shouldn't be for it. The bay is infested with turtles. Boat strike accounts for an average of 1.97 dugong deaths a year. The Aboriginals take over 1200 to feed themselves.

This rezoning will not do anything but impinge on my and many others' basic human right to enjoy ourselves. It's a goddamn scandal of the highest order.

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as a newbi to this site, this news is disturbing very simaliar to what happened with the misinformed greeni and media outcry over four wheel drive's and the closing of areas for our own good, didn't matter how much area was closed off to people the greenies were never happy and wanted more. is it to late for them to reverse this zoning plan, if it isn't what can we do to change it.



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fisho50 wrote:

as a newbi to this site, this news is disturbing very simaliar to what happened with the misinformed greeni and media outcry over four wheel drive's and the closing of areas for our own good, didn't matter how much area was closed off to people the greenies were never happy and wanted more. is it to late for them to reverse this zoning plan, if it isn't what can we do to change it.



yeah go hard..you got the job

Im sure you are able to manage the Bay for the next 50-70 years ...especially with 100,000 people moving to the SEQ area every year, it will be a walk in the park..


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hey I dont want to carry on here, it wont happen, I respect people have to fish.

But if you got somthing to say it, dont genralize about "greenies", if you got some ideas

on how to keep the bay healthy then post them.

don't just blame greenies (whoever the heel they are?)

there is no such thing as greenies, get with the times, its resource managment.

There is a need to look out for the Bay, It already has a sediment problem.

like I said, I fully appreciate peoples needs to fish the bay and use it for recreation as of course it should be.

but look around, they are not spending millions on new bridges tunnels and highways for nothing.


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Shrimpo wrote:

The bay already has a sediment problem, And the new airport development will not effect that at all will it? Just cos greenies have no life doesnt mean they can come and stuff up ours.

lost me already, you obviously are on the ball with it and respect to you for that.

yes maybe the development will contribute.

I never even knew about it.

OK i am over this sensitive subject,its not in my immediate field.


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