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Gneerings fun on plastics


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Hi all,

I wasn't sure where to put this post.. it could have gone in a number of places... firsts and PBs' or even soft plastics. But I was up the coast so I'll whack it in here.

Anyway what a day... had an early start headin out to the gneerings for a bit of a bottom bash and then some plastics. Was enjoyable early with some sweeties, cod, small snapper and a mowong and then a first and a PB... a 50cm red emperor.. very nice. :)

It wasn't long before they went off the chew though and we flicked some plastics around... I decided to go with 7" jerk shad in blue pepper neon... flick... flick then bang another first and PB... after 5-10mins of my heart pumping as hard as a 8kg snapper comes to the surface :woohoo: . Oh my god that was sensational, my first on a plastic and my first real big red.

Then I thought why not try the jerk shad in lime tiger... flick... flick... and then bang on again... another big red at 5kg :cheer: ... A heap more hits and then the wind was up and that was it for the day... but what a day, my first red emperor and first fish on plastics... I'm hooked and can't wait to use my plastic outfit I got for my bday around Newport and get into some bream, flathead and what ever else wants to come and play.

[img size=576]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/3-e5c08ce9072d29c1997d00b9b825c8bf.JPG


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It has become obvious that you are not familuar with afo rules in particular rule 123 that states all new afo members that post pics of big snapper are obligated to invite all afoérs to the bbq ;) do you want me to bring a salad? and what time should we get there ? lol


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