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Rod OR Reel?


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Let me set the scene -

You're in the middle of the desert. No food in sight, a massive BBQ, unlimited LPG, Unlimited livies/lures. Fishing is only way to obtain food.

Land based, would you go rod or reel?

Boat based - would you go rod or reel?

What and why?

I would have a reel boat based, because it'll go to signifcant depths, and fewer tangles.

Land based - I would go rod for a far cast. Reel does make it easy :L

Just out of curiosity.

Don't put down rod with a hand line :P That's just cheating. hehe.

Cheers guys - Eager anticipation.

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tomca wrote:

Has someone been drinking the bong water????

thats funny :laugh: :laugh: ;) like i said in the dessert there's no water but if you had water and a reel you could just club the fish over the head with it or spear the fish with the bear rod:silly:

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