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brissy river 28.4.09

James W

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well this arvo myself and the old man (grub) went out chasing prawns again...found some, but not the numbers he was after so we kept the ones we got alive and headed over to the mouth of the brissy.

tailor were everywhere! think we landed 20 in a row at one stage...some pike and even a bull shark were next(didnt land the bully)

then as the sun went down the breambos came on...caught at least 15 keepers but took 2 of the biggest home and the old man managed a squire on one of the last live prawns..all the bream were very dark in colour still, but the ones we took once cleaned were full of roe, so we cant wait till they "bream run" really starts..

still amazed i had a bully on a floating live prawn! go figure! :huh: [img size=640]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/b2-0d236291f98e9092bb9cf7d98c23a3ee.jpg

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