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A nite on the brissie river 13/06/09


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Hi guys and girls , I finally meet one of the boys from afo by the name of Rick. took him out for the nite ,we fished a nuber of loctions on the river. We finished up at boggy creek again at 12 midnite. Was about to call it a nite an have a kip in the boat when Rick an i spotted a prawn jump, followed by a big splash. So i chucked out a squidgy bug with the sent and 1st cast a nice tailer.Buy 3am we had a nice feed of tailer for two so we finally got some rest ready for the morning. All told 10 tailer for the session ,from 33cm to 40cm :cheer:.Rick got his 1st fish on a lure and as a small bones we gpt to hand feed a young dolphin back at the boat ramp.Thanks Rick for a good time an nice to have meet you.Can some one give advise on how to put photos in cheers will

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sounds like a great night :) mate to put up pics, use the AFO resizer. Up the to bars, chose community, then downloads. There you can get the afo resizer which resizes all of your pics so you can post them.

To post, just hit the reply button and and type in some text first, then at the bottom of the window where you tpye, theree's "select image file to attach"...click on browse and then choose your file. boom... you're done.

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go to the community tab along hte blue bar at the top of AFO site

go to downloads-->tools and programs

download the AFO image resizer, save that on your computer somewhere

open your picture with that program, and click "create AFO image"

then make a reply in this thread, and down there where it says "select image file to attach" select the AFO image you just made

should be good

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