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The weekend to be that never was...


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Saturday was all set to hit the dam at first light but woke up at 5am and it was POURING so went back to bed! Girlfriend had a first aid course “all day†so I dropped her there at 9 and went and grabbed dad and cruised out to the NPD for a late start at 10:30.. Knew there wasn’t much hope of success being so late in the day and not wanting to paddle as far as the deep water so paddling downstream at 11am I get a call from the g.f saying it was all done and to come and pick her up. So dad and I threw the lures out the back and trolled back to the ramp for no success. 2 hour trip for a 10 minute fish.. :(

Picked the bird up and went down the coast. Got there at 3pm and was frothing to get out on the water – loaded up the canoe on the sandy banks across from Chevron Island to chase some late afternoon bream. Went to rig up my rod – “WHERE THE F*#K IS THE TIP!?â€.. Had snapped my rod in the car on the way down. Positively fuming by this stage I loaded up my g.f's rod with a little hard body and drifted the banks of Chevron Island admiring the homes and casting at the many pontoons.. After about 20 minutes – bang! Got a 23cm Bream which on 2lb braid and 4lb leader made a really good account of himself by broadsiding himself in the current so I was rather disappointed at the size once I got him boat side.

After realizing the tide was turning and I was going to haveto paddle back against the current I began a Guy Leech slog back lonesome in the canoe against the current.. Passed this million year old pontoon with an oyster rack and concrete drain pipe and decided it desperately needed to have a flick.. Bordering on dark I threw a Towadi on and every cast was getting belted by Bream but could not stick one for the life of me. Finally after 4 drifts past it I hooked what felt like a good one and he ran back up the concrete pipe and bricked me. Just couldn’t put enough hurt on him with such light gear..

Looked at the water around the pipe – only looks to be about 2 ft deep I think… I’m going to get my lure & fish back.. Out of the canoe I step, straight down up to my arm pits in water to realise the fish has unhooked himself anyway and I hadn’t taken my phone out of my pocket… Freezing cold and miserable I paddled back to the unit, drank 4 beers, ate an omlet, had a toot and watched some foxtel.. 1 days worth of hassle = $50 worth of petrol, $150 worth of fishing rod $100 worth of phone for two hours worth of fishing combined and one 23cm Bream to show for it.


Now what is the best stick to get for under $150?

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ahh thats no fun mate :(

i got a nice stick for bream (little heavier than what you had i think?) a st croix from mossops, its rated a little heavier but still throws light lures well and is plenty wippy enough..cost me 170 and couldnt be happier with it

there were 2 in the store when i got it, might still be one its worth a look

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Some days are diamonds.... I'll make you feel better by telling you that I had a really really good day. ;)

Hey, no need to thank me mate...thats what I'm here for. :laugh:

Oh yeh. I've just got a Pflueger Asaro spin stick and I love it. I chose it over T curves and a bunch of other quality stuff. Casts beautifully and loads up real nice. But this was chosen as a bass stick so I'm not sure about lighter bream sticks in the same range. You may want to have a play around with some.

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Hahaha yeh thanks guys -- Im definately looking at the Trions.. Want something 2-4kg, 7ft 2 piece again that casts a mile but can load up too.. I've used afew of my friends rods and find their tips to be too bendy and nowhere near twitchy and sensitive enough.. Im hoping this is just due to them buying cheaper gear as I dont know ins and outs of rods.. They feel like a mix between a normal bait rod and a graphite..

Only thing that sucks is BCF dont have the Trions do they? I've seen them on Mo Tackle but where would I be able to get my hands on one in the flesh?

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