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September FOTM Chat


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dan every where you turn up there was trevally and i looked up grants for the diamond trevally or mirror fish are the common names. the other we caught a lot of was the bludger trevally and the description in grants guide named by north queensland fishermen who continue to detest it for the number that come to baits set for valuable mackerel thus leading to a loss of time ,bait ,effort and temper. bloody bludgers .lol

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chris_stewart14 wrote:

Would have thought Lizards would have been FOTM for sure... Trev's are even better though! I'll put a bet in for the winner being spun off a sunny coast headland. They are all over the place now though which is excellent to see.. Hard to beat them as a sports fish!

This year we have tried to not have the FOTM based around whatever social or event is on. The idea to create more ways people can win prizes etc.



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well, I don't know the facts why they aren't in brisbane but my theory is that because all the rivers around here go straight into the bay, where as sunny and gold coast's feed straight into the ocean which I'm assuming are where the trevs hang out. Never heard of trevally caught in the bay... And yeah I'm not so sure about techniques, I do know they can be caught using basic bait fishing techniques including live bait and also the poppers (because it imatates an injured bait fish aka easy feed) and I've caught them on plastics using several different retrieves. Buut I'm no expert since i can't freakin catch em anyway!

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im going for an early morning popper session at the tweed this weekend. will let you know how it goes. sunday morning will start near the mouth around the boats, flats and pontoons with some poppers for trevs and tailor. then head to the breakwall at mouth and try for a jewie on plastic on the outoging.

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bmxdirtjumpa wrote:

well, I don't know the facts why they aren't in brisbane but my theory is that because all the rivers around here go straight into the bay, where as sunny and gold coast's feed straight into the ocean which I'm assuming are where the trevs hang out. Never heard of trevally caught in the bay... And yeah I'm not so sure about techniques, I do know they can be caught using basic bait fishing techniques including live bait and also the poppers (because it imatates an injured bait fish aka easy feed) and I've caught them on plastics using several different retrieves. Buut I'm no expert since i can't freakin catch em anyway!

There have been a few good ones caught in the Brisbane River and there are a lot in the bay on occasion. All different species as well.

The Bribie passage always a lot as does the seaway.

Lake Currimundi holds a few in the upper reaches as well.

Sanctuary Cove is always full of them so Id imagine the coomera would be worth a shot.

Most Noosa river and north shore reports show good trevs as well.

In shirt, there really are a lot of opportunities!

There are even some stonker GT's in Manly harbour if you could ever land one!


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definately trevs in the river, just not a great place to target them as there arent many and the size isn't really there

having said that, a few weeks back, we saw 5 or 6 70+cm GT's at the mouth of the river, right up in the shallows cruising just sub surface

rare sight for sure though

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