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Pine River Bullies pics added


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Gday fellas

Went down the pine river for a shark fish monday night.It started out very slow with us using whole mullet as bait.We had no hits.My mate finally caught a couple of eels which went stright onto the hook.But still no hits all night.It was about 530am tuesday morning when we finallu heard the penn senators drag tick over a few times and my mate was on to his 1st bullie.It was about 85cm long. Wen then moved to another sopt whick was a great move and around 630 we landed another one.Once again it was on my mates rod.This bullie went 93cm. He put his bait back out and with in 10mins had another one on the hook but it spat the hooks after about 10 seconds after being hooked.All in all it was a great night and morning even tho once again i did not catch anything ahha.

cheers sean

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