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what does 1 do on days like these!


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noname wrote:

GO SHOPPIN OF COURSE :woohoo: !!! gunna go smack up a light mackrel rod n reel, hurry up and open tackle warehouse!!! here i come.

Oh my god, Robs doin' the christmas sales! :blink:

Me - if it stays dry long enough, I'm doing a dump run. After christmas at my place I've got about 10 bags of rubbish after the bin is full!

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Whent shopping yesterday, fark me it was chaos at Garbage City, plenty of eye candy however B). My brother bought me the AFC set from bcf for chrissy so I'll probably sit back with several beers in hand and left over ham.

Seabreeze recon the rain is to clear by wednesday :( which sux, I WANNA GO FISHIN NOW. Dad was going to take his canoe out tomorow and my brother and I where going to herase him in my boat, Boggy was the destination as usual, if the rain holds up I will brave it.

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think today me ,dagz and little bro where meant to go the Albert .

mite go down in the rain ,fish don't care about rain .

seams all my little bro wants to do is go back to there ,me i would like a taste of salt .

like to do a fresh fish then a salt or 2 and so on.

i do like brian's idea for the day.

beer ,food can't go wrong there.

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brad and i went shopping and bought more lures, along with other gear, came back to my joint and took out the tinnie to try these new lures, and took some pots too, after only an hour we decided to head for home and a check of the pots was to be had, and buggar me, 2 stonker bucks yummm, home to clean the boat and checkin them again tonight, and picking them up in ther morning! :huh:

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I think I'm going to head down to breaky creek or bulimba for a spot of thready fishing or down to luggage to see whats about, got some new gear for christmas and also just built a cracking portable live bait tank I'm keen to try out..So what if I get wet its better than listening to my missus winge about being board!!

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