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NPD B4 the storm


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Had a ripper of a session out at the dam this morning,the bass were going crazy for bait and lures. Got a cattie on a small metal slug bouncing it off the bottom,also picked up a tillie on lure while trolling. All up 46 bass,3 catties and a tillie. I was getting bass on the bottom with shrimp so when they run out I thought I would try deep diving lures. It paid off as I was nailing them straight away. It pays to try a different approach now and again.

Fish while you can


one of the early bass npd16_2_10_002.JPG

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Over the years I have had some very ugly fish, the worst was a 50cm bass with lipps like a trevally, nobb on its head like a snapper and it was a stumpy also, could of been a 60cm if ironed out ha ha. Had a lot of stumpies and a lot with that dip between the head and the dorsal fin, like you see on a lot of bream. Some of them get nipped when young and manage to survive,some damaged in transit to the dam and as Feral said some arrive that way.

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