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Raby Bay Canala


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Hey all,

I was just wandering whether anybody knew some nice spots in raby bay for fishing, now im not asking for your secret spot that works real well but just a rough idea on where to go. and also what sort of tackle should i be using in the area because i have tried pretty much everything and still not much luck, I found that in the mouth to the cannal (the big channel) there are a few pickers also the mullet come through often and the odd dolphin. I managed to land a 37cm Bar Tailed flathead today but otherwise no luck.


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mate i dont know any spots but, for flathead i am asuming that that is what u want to catch, u would want to use a light flicky rod maby 2-5kg rod and for line i would use 6lbs main line and 8lbs leader.

for bait i need to experiment a little bit, yabbies work well, but squid and prawns also work fine.

as for the spots u need to just experiment a little bit untill u find a spot that works well for you. you will find that you will work out what bait works best and everyting like that in time.

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the fish in there are quite educated, if you're fishing in the daytime you'll need very light leader and finesse techniques

the main channel and rocks around there should hold the better specimens but any pontoon or jetty will hold fish in there its just a matter of fooling them, as i said they're quite educated

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try anything you can think of that would otherwise be out-of-the-norm for raby bay, the fish down there have PhD's and i heard that Atomic and Ecogear actually consult them on lure design they are that good at picking them.... good luck!

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i have done a bit of fishing in the raby canals. not a great deal of success. few bream, a lot of moses perch, have heard of a few jacks and the odd jewy being caught. Mate of mine got a nice 55cm jack in the birkdale canals just before chrissy. we also got dusted a few times in there also.

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Raby landbased is a tough one.

I used to fish there a years or so ago, I used to drive past the train station then turn left at the next roundabout, follow that road down, on the left is a little warf that somtimes has squid, keep going and on the left again you will see rock walls...follow

the road and find the last rockwall, walk out to the end and fish that on high tide at dusk and night.

I used to catch squire and bream there on high with servo squid.

Sharks are a plenty and rays are bountiful as well, I used to use 18 lb with a no2 circle hook, med sinker.

Was ok, I got snapped a few times by large fish, but now would be the time to try not too far into winter.

If you drive past the roundabout and turn left at the roundabout before the pub you will go down to more rockwalls near a BBQ, fish them at high for bream, flathead, and taylor at night and dusk.Just walk 50 meters down from the BBQ and throw straight out, use whatever bait you like.

Never done any good there other than high tide at night.

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thank you very much everybody,


when you say left after the train station is that the Canal mouth that is a nice sized channel or another spot?

and the BBQ place is where i caught my flathead,

I also noticed that the mullet seem to come through a lot my friend caught two legals in his cast net. I wander how i would go fishing for them? last resort to a fishless night :lol: Thanx for the directions and everything will definatley try it out sometime soon B)

I also couln't help but notice that there were little fish jumping around everywhere about 5-10m out of my cast range would that be a bigger set of fish chasing them?

Should i walk up and try to cast into an area such as that?

And also there are plenty of dolphins and turtles that go through at dusk and night there beautiful, but they take my fish :(

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I 'think' they would go well.. seeing as that mouth area is the main way in/out for fish coming into that canal area to feed - although i have a feeling most canal fish are residents and are always hanging around, they're just too switched on to take lures from what the others are saying

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Yeah i will definatley keep you posted about how it goes.

im thinking im going to try a few lure's today so im going to go to buds and buy some new ones, I will let you know how i went with them. Im going to try to get out today just before the high tide and fish through to th low tide :D:D should be a good way to spend the day..

Thanx guys!!

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I've caught Moses perch, bream, whting, gar, tailor, small squire, pike. Very rarely get legal fish, I just go there a bit when I'm bored.

Always get dusted by massive cod too. They're too hard to pull away from the rocks, when your standing on the rocs.

Try floating a pillie or a livie about 1 metre away from the wall and watch the big head come out from the rocks and steal your rig.

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I've never got one of them grandpa ones. Only small ones.

I swear some of them must be 80+cm going by the size of their heads.

I did some thing reall dumb with a cod once in Mooloolabah tryin to get this cod. I walked out in front of the rock wall, dropped a live whiting in front of where I was this cod and stood in waste deep water with the rod tucked into my pants while I flicked lures... Any ways, he eventually took the bait so I tucked the spin stick into my pants and pulled in the cod. The spin stick fell outta my pants and now the real doesn't work and the cod was only 30cm. Looked so much bigger when I saw it coming out to eat the prawn heads I was chucking in the water.

To add insult to injury, I was drinking that day and passed out in the sun (after losing my favourite lure to a bigger cod around the pontoons) and woke up red as a tomato.

All that and no legal fish!

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hey all,

i am planning on going out this monday and maybe late sunday not really worried about the tides. I am wandering about the harbour it might look a bit wierd watching me fish there but ohwell. im still yet to catch a fish in thesee canals i think i havent got the technique right. I have finally got some hard bodied lures so i might try them out too.

to practise the technique i might throw them in the pool a few times it might help a lot.

Thanks Guys!

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