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Jacks aren't over yet


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A few of us hit the Coomera this morning in search of jacks, trevs and a few others. The day started slow for me with the first fish boated two hours in. A decent low 50's Big Eye, loads of fun on the 4LB :woohoo:


I would cast the D pop into any bit of disturbance on the surface, when I noticed some jelly prawns getting harassed I got a bit excited and cast hard into them. I got even more excited when I noticed that distinct red shimmer in the water :woohoo: Only small at 31cm but it is the first this year for me, better late then never.


Around the island I got onto a few bream, some small flatties with one legal at 46cm. All fish were caught on a Pontoon 21 B)



Back in the lake I kept the pontoon on and kept casting at every bit of surface action. The tailor were chomping around and I managed one going just over 40cm, great fun on the 4LB.



The pontoon now belongs to a resident tailor :( I need more Zimman B)

Mick trawling up a trev......


I don't know how the other guys went. I have herd some good and some not so good reports, either way it was a great day out with good company and always good to meet new like minded people B)

Until next time........

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holy crap i didnt relise the tailor was that big top effort den

was a great day fish wise on the light gear and rain definatly didnt put em off which was made the day even better :) it was good to meet a few new faces.

sorry bout not comin to the pub afterwards fellas i just figured the OX isnt like the country pubs i go to.i dont think they would have liked a kelpie sittin at the bar cause she dont leave my side :lol: :lol:

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It was a good morning out and it was nice to be able to put some faces to some names. The action was a bit quieter than I hoped for but still ended up with one small MJ on a popper 2 GT's on plastics a nice Flathead and about 10 or 12 Bream of which 3 were probably legal. Also all the fish on plastics were caught on the Damiki Amour Shad 3" in some red colour, it's the first time i've used em and I gotta say i'll be getting some more as the Bream seem to love em. Am looking at heading back after work on Tuesday to see if the arvo bite is any better.




Small MJ on a popper


After pulling about 5 Bream from under their noses the boys managed to avoid the donut;)

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Good to catch up this morning with a few regular's t'box,t'boxs wife Kreel :whistle: (sorry mate)eg-vtec and mick fillet.Our day the crazy men and my self launched just after 4.30 and headed down stream to the canals to see if we could get ted his first jack but alass wasn't to be.

So with sun up we moved up stream and found these peice's of plastic floating every where and as it turn out it was the tupperware navy but they were alredy on the score board with reports of jacks,bream and trev's.We hadn't had even the a look at a fish after about 3hours at casting at every thing that looked like it should hold fish.We were looking good for the donut each until plastic fantastic pulls a flathead from under my boat just to rub salt into the wound, but he offered it up to us (I think he felt sorry for us) :lol: :lol: and it started our run on the fish about 2 minutes latter I avoided the donut with a bream about 26cm and the ted hooks up to the fish of the day a flathead around the 60+cm but with silly string 4lb he lost it boat side and was less then happy but he did land his first of the day a little gt about 30cm.AFter not much more coming our way we pulled the pin and went to the pub for a much need beer and a feed

A big thanks to mark for the flathead and nice to meet you will catch up soon for a fish it will make the dinner plate tomorrow night.

P.s what happened to PUSSCA.

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Ahmedy and myself just worked the lake area. Lots of swirls and jumping fish all morning, but they just weren't interested in what I had to offer. I ended up with my first Donut off the yak :( whilst Ahmedy got an undersized bream to save face. I guess that's what you get when you put a yak session before spending time with the Mrs. :P

but great day to get out and meet some new members. Thanks for the invite KAF.

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Nice report Dennis and the rest.

Dassa - those plastic things floating everywhere are called "speed bumps" mate. :P

Well done to all involved, looked almost like an unofficial social. Had I known the pub was involved I may have tried a little harder to get the day off :lol:

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After pulling about 5 Bream from under their noses the boys managed to avoid the donut;)

Well done boys. Plenty of fish for others. :unsure: I think Dazza and I would have been better off heading up the river in the morning rather than hitting the canals. Who was to know. :angry:

Well done Den there is some quality catches there.

Mick consistent as usual

Mark you where on fire mate. It was some what emabarrasing for Dazza and I when you where pulling the fish from under our boat and we where not on the board :blush: :S

I know it was a mega fight to get off the donut and you all thought it was going to be a monster but hey. I was desperate to get off the donut after dropping the other fish. I was happy. :P

I enjoyed the day, a Thank you to Dazza for being the skipper for the day. It was great to catch up with some old faces and meets some new. A great day out.

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Well I did make it there about 730, mucked around near the highway bridge and in a little creek just up from there. Got a few bream on plastics, biggest about 26cm. Managed my ar$iest catch ever - had a muddie grab the plastic as i drifted it out of a creek mouth, somehow jagged him in the claw. 1.6kg, 19cm across shell. Interesting landing it on a yak let me tell you! Good to meet a few of the boys at the pub afterwards.

Thanks sparksie for the loan of the yak!!! :kiss:

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Nice report guys :)

Good quality fish alround. Its great to see the odd jack or two still on the prowl.

Would I be right in saying some of the pics were in the uppermost reaches of the coomera?

and this is to anyone...

Has anyone had much luck further down stream towards the broadwater? I've only fished it once but it was on a very busy sunday morning so that might of made it harder?


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Nice report Dennis and the rest.

Dassa - those plastic things floating everywhere are called "speed bumps" mate. :P

Well done to all involved, looked almost like an unofficial social. Had I known the pub was involved I may have tried a little harder to get the day off :lol:

We always try to involve the pub or at least a few beers :P

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