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A long way from home.


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G'day All,

Well it wasn't really that far from home....Just around the corner, however I have come to think of the fresh as a bit of a home for me. So it was with some trepidation that I decided to give a couple of spots a crack launching from the southside at Colmslie.

First of all was my session I put in yesterday afternoon/night at Norman Creek. For those that are familiar with the area, I launched from the canoe pontoon in the recreation reserve there, and headed upstream.

The pickings were pretty thin, with the tide a very low runout. I got one solid hit on the sx40 around some bridge pilons, but failed to hook up. The only fish of the night was caught after dark on a 45mm bubble-pop. I originally thought this was something totally different, as it hit the surface lure hard, and then gave some very good runs.....


But alas, once getting him close...Yep, meow. Still saved the donut :P !

My second outing was this morning, and I planned to hit up the structure around Colmslie just after the turn from low, thinking that the fish will be moving up to the shallows in search of morsels to eat. I kitted myself out with some 2" Gulp Shrimp in pepper-prawn, nuke chook and one other, and played light with a 1/20oz jighead.

Within only a few casts, I was receiving some serious hits, and not long after, hooked up to this one.


The retrieve used was a quick flick up, followed by a pause....Typical from what I know about sp's in the salt?

This spot soon quietened down, so I decided to head across the river, and flick into the structure on the other side. This paid off straight away, with another breambo on the 30cm mark.



I stayed at this location for quite a while, managing to keep away from the pilons although tide and wind had other ideas. I got beasted by one unstoppable, which had me smoked in about five seconds, after taking me across some oysters, but oh well, fishing light will do that.

The final bream came at a bad time for me, as I was struggling to move the yak back from the pilons, all the while fight a fish and deal with boat wash from a large one out in the river. In no time at all, I had been put right under the structure, and was giving the rocks a hefty nudge....I really thought I was going to fall in the piss lol.


All up, I had a fantastic outing, with some decent breambos caught. It is a first for me to catch a cattie on a popper, which was kind of cool. I was also glad to get off the donut in the salt on the yak. Bream on sp's has never been a biggy for me, although now I reckon I might be a bit addicted :lol:

Cheers, and thanks for reading,


PS - I must have had nearly a hit every cast (no, it wasn't the bottom lol), and some of them very decent, but failed to hook up in a big way. Should I be striking when I feel the bite on the sp's? Any help much appreciated!!!

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Actually Ryan I get that pretty regularly on 2" gulp shrimp too, a tap nearly every cast but no hookup. I'm thinking its little stuff like butter bream and baby bream that just physically can't get the plastic in their mouth and hence no hookup.

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nice breambos ryan,

were any of the sp coming in folded over up on the hook? when there pickin at the sp like this i generaly asume that the fish are nailing the sp from behind folding the sp over and missing the hook so i bite a bit of the head off the sp and shorten it up and re hook it making the jig head hook come out at the back a bit more. i would also think about down grading the weight of the jig head to allow the sp to susspend in the water that slightly bit longer to allow the fish to really pick up on it an boof the sucker.it gets frustrating hey, and ya think to ya self WHY!!!! AGGGRRRR :lol: good luck with the next round ;)

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