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Burrum Heads


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Hi Guys

I've search the forum for but nor found much info. Heading up to Burrum after easter for a few days witht he boat and staying in the caravan park at the mouth. Just owndering if there are any reefs within a few km's of the mouth. Will also be hitting the river. Any ideas as to what's biting at the moment. Will be fishing, live baits. dead bait and an assortment of lures. Will probably troll lures on the way out for some Mac's if they're about.

Any pointers for the area would be good.


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At the channel leaving out into the bay theres a decent drop of on the red navigational markers its a 5mtr drop and then it drops off again. Its quite easy to find on low tide as theres a decent sandbank. Across from burrum is woodgate and not to far from the point not to sure what its called theres abit of a reef me and a mate were going to spearfish it when i lived up there and apparently theres alot of fish there. I do have some marks for the region but i think most of them are closer to hervey bay.

If you like send me your email and ill send them through.

If there are alot of macks around try the boat ramp in the middle of all the boat ramps i once watched a young bloke from a tinnie just casting distance from the end of the ramp pull in one after another just drifting pillies down.

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It`s been about 10yrs since i`ve fished the burrum river area,I used to pull in there on my way back from my every 2nd year fishing trips to the kolan river north of bundy,now I just drive straight through.

These are not spot X`s,any one who has fished the area often, knows of them but, results come from working your tides and knowing about your fish`s tidal habits

As far as the river goes, if it hasn`t changed much over the years, to the right, across from the boat ramp near the mouth, is the start of north shore beach that heads out around the mouth.this spot was good for whiting and flatties.

The northern channel was unmarked and best used at high tide.This channel can have anything bream,whiting,mackerel,tevally.

On the north side to the left of the boat ramp is the Black Bank, goes for about 400metres and had some good holes..bream ,jack,cod and the occaisional threaddie.

To the left of Black Banks (still looking from the township side) is Walkers Pt,there`s a boat ramp there, about 200meters out from the ramp there is deep water with a group of holes and rocks…big bream, cod,jewies and I have seen barra come out of this spot.

Over from Walkers is a group of mangrove islands,trolling lures around the channels and sandflats should get you some flatties,fishing the incoming tide close in around here should get you some whiting and if around trevally.

Going up river,at the end of the mangrove islands is the mouth of the Gregory River,and the Burrum turns to the left. Trolling around the mouth of the Gregory will get some good flatties and drifting over the yabby banks on the incoming tide will get you whiting.

Sounding around about 200 metres out from the Gregory`s mouth you can find a rock bar and a decent hole..bream and cod.The sandbank opposite holds big flatties on the runout tide

The Burrum turns and flows past Buxton township. Vitually starting at Buxton is the start of ,what`s called the Buxton Hole, and goes for about 250 metres and is about 8-10 metres deep… big grunter,cod,jack and barra, bait or lures go well here.

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Go and talk to Darryl at Burrum Traders. He is a good bloke and very knowledgeable. I'll be at Burrum for the 4 day Easter break - we (Austackle) are the major sponsor of the Burrum Heads Easter Classic. Its a huge event with about 1600-1800 people fishing so Darryl will know which spots have been fishing well by the time you get up there.

Good Luck.

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Burrum is the place most Maryborough people go to on holidays and they love to fish. Accordingly, you have to be prepared to spend long hours for little reward in the Burrum. Gad has summed it up beautifully. Watch out for the rocks at the mouth of the Gregory. I'd also suggest you take the boat and GPS out, if you have one, during the low tide, so you can see where the sand banks are. If you go left from the ramps and head up the southern side of the river you'll be amongst a lot of little islands that can be good crabbing on occasion. Ted's Creek is about a 1km upstream and you can get good herring and mullet in there, but watch for snags on the castnet. Take an old one til you know where they are.

As Gad says, black bank is directly across from the ramp and has some good holes along its length. Have caught queenies, cod and some good flathead here mostly within five metres or so of the bank. Twin creeks is at the far left of black bank. If you cast net about five metres out into open water on the run out you should get plenty of good herring as they seem to school up here. (DOn't tell anyone, it took me five years to work that out). Again as Gad says, if you keep going left you (upstream) on hte north bank you'll see Walkers Point boat ramp. Out in front of this is the Swirls. It's supposed to be deep water but I could never get into more than about 6 or 7 m and the tide rips through here. Keep going upstream about 200 m and there's a lovely rocky headland that just screams jack with 5-7 m of water. I've never cuaght anything there but I'd still have a go. Good on the runup as there's less current behind the headland. Watch the rocks here. If you head south from the point, towards the other bank, you'll be in amongst the little islands i mentioned earlier. You'd need half tide and up to get across as it's shallow and sandy. THis is where the big burrum whiting are found. There are good yabby banks scattered in here too. Watch for rays, as there are millions of em in this area.

Happy fishing.

regards Jim

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