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awsom trailers for my upcoming dvd, movie ( doco )


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guys me and my good mate matt have been making a video to put into shops for a non proffit.

their are three trailers in total so far. please give feed back as we would like to hear comments.



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nice work on all three, i take it you are using professional editing equipment?

i like the 1st one the most, more appealing as a angling programe as it sort of sets the scene (imo)

how do you want to portray the target species? the reason i ask is that the second conjures up a bit of fear with the news recordings in the background.

the third is good, love the way the focus of the rod starts at the tip then moves down the reel. not keen on the dead fish pics at the end but thats just me.

all in all, you can see that time and skill has been made on them

thanks for sharing

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its basically a hobby of matts and mine. we want it to be exciting and also keep you on edge but at the same time be very scenic. its basically going to be a dvd on sharkin but it will have other fishing clips in it as well.and like i said

alot of this fottage predate the new sharking laws.

catch and release practices are also present in the filmits not just a big meat grinderand all shark is for consumption and none wasted

the cinematics and videography has been extensively worked on

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Kurt Kurt Kurt what can i say :dry: Well Done this looks realy good, i think you have done a great job and i take my hat off to you :) I realy like the first clip..... ;)

Once again Mate well done ;):)

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Kurt Kurt Kurt what can i say :dry: Well Done this looks realy good, i think you have done a great job and i take my hat off to you :) I realy like the first clip..... ;)

Once again Mate well done ;):)

thanks heaps. this sort of comment makes it all worth while, it may only be 4 mins of clips altogether but took hrs to edit

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Hey mate, looks good. I love some of the shots in the first clip! If you want my opinion, I would like to see some of the footage from the first and 3rd videos put together, show the serenity of the mangroves, then a change of mood and music where you show some of what is below. Anyway, look forward to seeing the finished product! Good luck with it

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Hey mate, looks good. I love some of the shots in the first clip! If you want my opinion, I would like to see some of the footage from the first and 3rd videos put together, show the serenity of the mangroves, then a change of mood and music where you show some of what is below. Anyway, look forward to seeing the finished product! Good luck with it

will have a play, cheers for the advice

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The 3 clips all look very professional, and like others have said you need to establish what it is you're saying about the sharks - should we be scared of them, is the fear overstated. It will set the tempo for your vids.

The MAD MULLET logo sends a quality image as well - I like it a lot. If I was to be really critical (in a constructive way I hope) the kerning between the U and the L in MULLET is a little close and could make it slightly less readable. By slightly I mean a bee's dingle, so it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference if you did nothing to change it.

All in all a champion effort and would like to see the final product.

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Nice one Kurt!

WIth the 3rd vid where you fade to black between each clip is quite long, i would even cosider putting in some white or grey yet kinda transparent text in the black clips, maybe some tag lines about the movie/doco

Kills shots at the end not my cup of tea, not sure how it fits with your movie/doco - that kind of fast moving kills shot clips look more teen scream or horror movie than shark doco....

Great work mate, like people said if you know what message you want to convey or how you want to appeal to an audicence can also help you achieve the right mix

All in all very nice, well done

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The 3 clips all look very professional, and like others have said you need to establish what it is you're saying about the sharks - should we be scared of them, is the fear overstated. It will set the tempo for your vids.

The MAD MULLET logo sends a quality image as well - I like it a lot. If I was to be really critical (in a constructive way I hope) the kerning between the U and the L in MULLET is a little close and could make it slightly less readable. By slightly I mean a bee's dingle, so it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference if you did nothing to change it.

All in all a champion effort and would like to see the final product.

cheers i will take note of that

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Nice one Kurt!

WIth the 3rd vid where you fade to black between each clip is quite long, i would even cosider putting in some white or grey yet kinda transparent text in the black clips, maybe some tag lines about the movie/doco

Kills shots at the end not my cup of tea, not sure how it fits with your movie/doco - that kind of fast moving kills shot clips look more teen scream or horror movie than shark doco....

Great work mate, like people said if you know what message you want to convey or how you want to appeal to an audicence can also help you achieve the right mix

All in all very nice, well done

Kills shots at the end not my cup of tea, not sure how it fits with your movie/doco - that kind of fast moving kills shot clips look more teen scream or horror movie than shark doco....

their will be alot of catch and release in the dvd its not all killing, and the blackness inbetween the footage, its only a trailer, the dvd wont have that

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