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Quick Bay run with young_fella


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Just a quick one as am getting tired. Hit up the bay tonight with Cain as I was inspired after Brian picked up a couple of quality fish on Monday night. We got on the water around 5.30 and fished until 10 with the wind just starting to come in as we decided it was enough.

When we first got there and started the burley Cain was first on with a his first legal squire and therefore PB at 46cm sorry about the pic just a phone pic. Scary photo really


It was not long before I was onto another 40+ snap as well. We continued to fish with the regular small squire coming in regularly. We also got sharked a few times as well. I was chatting to Declan and telling him that his rod was fishing well when I got another good hit and a short tussle later and another 40+ snap.

Things went quiet for a while until we had a double hookup with an epic tussle we got two large Stinrays to the boat. It was a strange catch and we released that we had changed direction and the lines where now up on the top of the drop off. a quick reanchor later we where catching fish again. The front was starting to come through so as we decided to go. Cain was onto his first Reef shark at this time. we got it into the net as it bit through the leader only to flip out of the net. Cain was a little disappointed.

Thanks guys


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conditions were sooooo good, thanks again Ted.

those rays we awesome, at on point we had em both at the surface about 1metre away from each other. Bloody smartass reefy.

so happy with the snap, It's another fish off the list WOO

and Dassa, I provided no burley on this trip.

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