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An intro to Youngys Horses.


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Yesterday I was very excited and honored to receive an invitation to come whiting fishing today in the Nerang from Wayne.

Leisurely gentleman's starting hour of 11.30 I was pretty pumped up with all gear ready by 9 and I then decided to spruce myself up a bit by ironing my AFO shirt.

Missus said what do you think you are doing and i responded ironing a shirt seeing that you wont .

That was when the blood started to flow

After removing the hotpoint from my forehead I beat a hasty retreat and left.

Met up at Waynes place to find that he had spent the morning digging fresh worms for bait.

After a tour of the byways with me not knowing where we were ( Over 30 years since I have been in Southport/Surfers area) we ended up at a ramp secluded in a back street.

After a few seniors moments trying how to manage a new fangled twist and cast alvey and remembering that you actually have to guide the line onto the spool I actually managed to catch my first horse.


We ended up with 7 whiting all over 30cm and one tarwine that had swallowed the hook.


The day was certainly an eyeopener for me catching good fish in the middle or suburbia.

Thankyou Wayne for putting up with me it was a fantastic day and I learnt a hell of a lot.



Here is a few photos of the area.





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Hi Ray, thanks for the company today it was great to have a fish and a chat, the Nerang is an amazing river.

Skyscrapers and quality fish don't normally go together.

I was a little disappointed with the lack of numbers but the quality of the fish was good and i am sure they will taste great.

See you at the SOO comp, cheers wayne

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This is how they ended up

Cannot remember the last tine I actually scaled a fish.


Cooked to perfection and washed down with a nice cold beer.


Thanks again Wayne it was a fantastic day.



OK YOU WIN!!! omg fellas awesome stuff LOVE the food shots!!!!!!!!!!

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You might not have scaled a fish for a while Ray but you sure remember how to fillet quite well, excellent job, cheers wayne

Was thinking the same thing.... the fillets look bigger than the fish they came off! Certainly beats my butchering techniques.

Yep I love fishing that stretch of river too, although have never targeted whiting there. So guess where I am off to next trip :woohoo:

Good show fella's

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