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Sharking with madmullet on 3lb


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Hey all

Madmullet took me fishing in the logan river to help me try and catch my first bull shark and teach me the basics. We got down there about 430ish for the run out tide. It took about 15 mins to get the first run which got snagged around a crab pot or something like that. While i was trying to unsnag it the 3lb rod goes zzzzzzzzzz so he gave me the rod and i bring in my first shark :) after trying for a year or two get a shark it took 20 mins fishing with madmullets help. Another 20 or so minutes later the heaver rod made a good sound (zzzzzzz) which was another shark. Then with 10 minutes before we packed up the 3 lb rod went of again, it was a little bit harder fight then the first to. slightly biger my a few cm. All up 3 sharks, about 4 runs and a very happy fisherman in 90 mins. All the sharks where realeased. But i think kurt is sick of hearing all my questions and thanks heaps kurt for showing me how to catch them.

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guys, i think happy is such an uderstatement with younge lachlan. he thanked me so much it wasnt funny. a smile from ear to ear said enough to me anyway, it means alot when some one appreseates something you do for them. i also gave him some 6/0 circle hooks to get him going as well.

hear are some photos and i will post u tube clips when they finish loading.....

cheers kurt

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