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My first bass!


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Hey guys, have seen all the reports of bass fishing over the past few years but it never really tickled my fancy until this year. I did a couple short landbased sessions around Mt. Crosby weir without a touch and really wanted to tick it off the bucket list. So when Muzz told me he was heading out chasing bass i was chomping at the bit to get out there and give it a go! (that and his boat is so much nicer in every facet than mine lol!)

2:30am rolls by and im out of bed and loading gear into the car, short drive and i am at his place loading gear up and we are off. Boat is launched and i\'m guessing we start fishing around 4:15, perfect timing as it is slowly getting brighter and brighter. We start on topwater and my very first cast is rewarded with a solid hit but no hookup.

The bass aren\'t overly active but there are surface boofs here and there sporadically, until a bass slams Muzz\'s megabass siglet and he lands the first for the day. I was mixing up my retrieves and trying to cast towards any surface ripples etc and i settled on a slow pop-pop pause (long pause 5secs+) A short while later my lure gets sucked off the surface and im onto.. a bloody spangly haha

He is dispatched back into the water and im still trying to land a fish when Muzz is on the board with number 2. I persisted with my slow retrieve and within the next couple hours i land my first, second and third bass whilst Muzz is on 4 or 5.

As soon as the sun got up and we started moving around fishing plastics etc that was it for me - i couldnt even get a bite the rest of the day while Muzz finished up with 11 or 12 bass for the day. Was great fun and i can\'t wait to get out there and try to upgrade my PB.

Big thankyou for Muzz for taking me out, great bloke, good company and lots of laughs throughout the day. Here are a few photos

Thanks for reading (:






DSC_0388_zps0c2c820d.jpg Best fish for the day I believe around 38 fork


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** We were so bored at one stage we actually motored over to what looked like a branch floating across the water. Turned out to be this little fella - a lace monitor?


Sneaky fella decided to hitch a ride with us



Albeit at the expense of the engine cowl :P


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