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Bribie bash...


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Got up for an early fish this morning with the chance of catching up with PCsolutionman. Round the corner south of Bribie and about 15 mins into a solid 1m swell I hear \"dad I don't feel to good\" and after the young bloke riding half a foot above the seat for most of the trip I don't blame him for feeling abit :sick: !!

Anyways back to the fish, found plenty of what looked like snapper on the sounder hanging over a small patch of rubble but was unable to tempt a bite probably due to the large numbers of small sharks that were making their presents felt by breaking the surface from time to time.

Moved from there in search of sum feeding fish and managed a 2.5ft shovel nose shark, 34cm cod and a couple of Flathead looking things(not sure on what their called)and 2 very small squires. Dropped 2 decent fish also had 2 bust ups and had 1 of the biggest hits I've ever experience what ever it was absolutely clobbered the bait, BANG !! but failed to hook up. Wasn't the best of days as the water was filthy/discoloured and the bait schools were working deep in the column so this didn't help in finding where the tuna were feeding..

Maybe next time !!!!

Does anyone know the name of this bugger??

[img size=255]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/1010.jpg


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Nice report Daz,

I recognised the flathead from a book I was given many years ago.

Can confirm Jimmybob's call, it would appear to be a Neoplatycephalus richardsoni, commonly known as a Tiger Flathead.

Supposed to be good eating and can grow to about 65cm and 1.3kg.

How big was yours?

Normally a resident of more southern waters with NSW and Vic being the most likely capture points, around sandy patches amongst rocky costal outcrops. (according to Harold Vaughan, from \"The Australian Fisherman\")

Has anyone else out there captured one this far north?

Very interesting.


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Another half decent pic. The pectral and ventral fins match the one you caught. These are the best pics of the fish that I can find on the net, but I have a pic of the Fringe-eyed Flathead in a book that I'm looking at right now that looks identical to yours. Same bands, eyes, fins etc. I'm 95% sure that this is your fish. [img size=384]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Fringeeyedflathead.jpg


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No I didn't make it to the beacon as the young bloke wasn't enjoying the ride so I was forced to find grounds closer to the eastern side of Bribie.... I would have made it around by myself as I'm keen to hit a patch that I was tipped of about not to far from the beacon.... so mate sorry for not getting around there...

We will catch up soon !!;)

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