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First Ever Bass!!!


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I headed out with a mate to some of the local creeks this afternoon to try and catch a few bass.

I've been to the same place before without any luck probably due to the fact it was the middle of the day and they must have been hiding!

It was my first afternoon in ages without work/cricket training so i jumped at the chance to try and catch a bass in the prime feeding time of late afternoon!!

Started off very slow with no luck using soft plastic grubs with a jigspinner. My mate changed to an orange hard body and i changed to a cheap tsunami super bass and on his second cast got a little bass!

He always outfishes me so i was determined to match his little sucker!

The next hour was pretty slow and we moved spots for the 3rd time. (not by choice, we were asked to leave by some old man claiming it was his property. Didnt know a creek could be someones property but we were polite and moved on anyway).

Lucky we did because on my 4th lure change (jitterbug) I cast out towards some rocks then "BANG!!! zzzzzzzz" the jitterbug was taken by a bass! my first one! Adrenalin was pumping through me as i tried to keep cool and keep him on. Measured him at 38cm. Not too bad for a first!

Anyway enough of the rambling, very very excited to get my first.

Sorry for the poor photography and i didnt really get a good hold of the fish but was too pumped up!

Released it back where it came from straight after a quick photo.

Hopefully the start of more successful bass catch and releases for me! (i think ive caught the bass bug now. Oh dear.)

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Thanks for reading my poorly written report :)





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