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Tagging Catties


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i'm no marketing genius, but why don't we get some AFO generic tags that we can print by the hundred? Seems like a goodway for AFO to out reach to it's target market, and might be a fun way to keep track of our catches (i guess it'd be more prevalent in the river..)

anyway, just something that came to me.

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So how do these tags work?

Got it out of a big barra a few weeks ago but havent got around to calling them yet. But there are no distinguishing features on it like a barcode or serial number. Is there like a chip in it, like the ones that they put in your dog?

Joel ;)


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If you're into tagging then you can buy a starter kit from Suntag. There's some more info in the attachment.

Also Joel, I assume you kept the barra for a feed. If not then I think you should leave the tag in. Weather or not you keep the fish, just take the details off the tag and record the size species location etc and report to Suntag.:) [file name=rad1568E.pdf size=259379]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/files/rad1568E.pdf[/file]


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