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Shultz 22/9 - A tribute to my last SX40


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We arrived at Shultz at around 11:15a.m. and started to flick some HB's around but for the first 20min things were pretty quiet with only a few small strikes. My brother Will (cowfish13) broke the silence with a healthy 41.5cm Flattie taken on an ecogear. I followed up about half an hour later with 17cm bream and a 25cm Flattie on a halco scorpian 35. We then went to our favourite spot and had a double hook up of a 22cm bream for Will and a solid 47cm flattie for me. Ran into 2wheels and he said he had had some success around the floating bridge around the rocks where a fish managed to drag his rod into the water but luckily he had managed to get it back. After about an hour of nothing I managed to get a 29cm Bream which was shortly followed by a 25cm Bream before we started to head back after a large storm started to dump rain on us. My favourite and last sx40 accounted for these two good fish and on the way back to the car I said to will \"i'll get a big fish here\" while putting a cast over my favourite car body and I was right. Within two seconds my favourite sx40 was taken into the carbody by what I suspected to be a 45cm+ cod :angry: :angry: :( and that was the last time I saw my favourite sx40. the funny thing was that my ex-favourite sx40 suffered the same fate a trip earlier. All up it was a good afternoon to kick off the holidays.

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I still don't get where that spot is. If you drive up the east west arterial road do you turn left onto nudgee road? from there I know you eventually get to nudgee beach but I can't figure where this smaller body of water is and what road to look for.

Oh and thanks for the report. good to read there fish there because it's not far from my place.

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dan23: if you go along kingsford smith drive towards the airport take a left turn at nudgee road, pass through the two racecourses and don't turn off it until you go over the canal. There are a few sets of lights but just keep on going straight. Eventually you will go over the bridge and you will be able to find a place to park your car. Shultz canal is where Kedron Brook meets the saltwater.

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Mack_attack wrote:

It was a good session with plenty of fish caught and thousands of Mullet seen schooling around the banks. Some were pretty big as well. I was just being an idiot putting my thumb in this Bream's mouth. Was barely big enough to fit it in there:laugh:

And sorry Jack, but as I was quickly clicking the button to quote you, I accendentally clicked on your smite button. Sorry:blush: . I will correct your karma tommorrow. Was just putting it out there so nobody thought that someone was taking away your hard earned Karma.

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G'day boys,

Looks like you had more luckj there than I did yesterday.

I dropped the boat in about 7am, and after one dropped fish out in front of the creek (small bream?? small catty??), we headed into the mouth of Nudgee, with no results, up as far as the new bridge construction and drifted back down, with no results, trolled a few hundred meteres half way dwon, with no result, and then drifted near the mouth again, for two small winter whiting.

Knocked off about 1:30 when it started showering.

Congrats for letting me know that it's not that there's no fish, just that I'm doing something wrong :)

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When you say the new bridge construction, do you meen the barge that is acting as a bridge? If so, we went down that far and it looked terrible. Lots of rubbish, yellow-brown gunk all over the banks and there were no fish. So we went back to our normal stretch of the canal and caught some more fish. It is alot more healthier the further up you go the canal I reckon.

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Thanks for all this info guys. I've tried to fish Schultz twice in the past week and ended up with nothing. But the fish keep jumping past me!!!! Grrr that's frustrating.

But this thread has shown me somewhere else on the river to try. I was too far upstream I think, past the two bridges. So I'll try down near where that other creek joins.

I tried SP's and HB's there too. and only got one strike on the HB way up the river, where that big black X is on the bike path. It was fun watching the fish move up the river though. :-(

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Refering back to Dan23's picture. We have had success around that small creek coming from the north (I think) but we catch most of our fish further downstream from that. We have only ever caught one fish along the part with the white path and 2 under the Nudgee road bridge.

Also, what types of HB's were you using. We use ones like ecogear SX40's ($17.75), Smith Camion's ($18.95) and Halco Scorpion 35's (around $10). We havn't tried them yet, but Daiwa sc shiners ($10-12) look roughly the same as an SX40, but are a bit cheaper. So we use expensive gear (which is why it hurts when a big fish takes one), but it does pay off. We have never caught any thing on no name lures.

We also use 6lb fireline crystal and 6-8lb Flurocarbon leader.

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