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Finally, a new PB


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Headed out to harass some midday bass with a mate who fishes the same areas that i do.

The water seemed very cloudy on arrival, so it wasn't long before I put my surface lures back in my bag and chucked on a cheap vibe to attract a bit more attention. It was very strange to see the water so dirty because it was extremely clear a couple of days ago in the same spot and is still very clean further downstream.

Changing to a vibe was a good move and it wasn't long until I landed a small bass.

I took off the lure after that because I didn't trust the trebles, and put on a bright pink micro mullet to really attract attention.

We moved holes and first cast I was onto a small bass on the micro mullet. After a quick release I fired the lure to the opposite bank again and let it sit there for a moment before commencing with a slow retrieve. I had a hit about halfway accross the pool and when the lure was ten metres in front of me BAM I was on. I didn't notice how big the fish was until it went for a roaring run back to where it came from. My drag was as tight as I could get away with on the 6lb braid and leader and I knew I was onto something big when it zoomed across the whole pool, but I still had just enough grunt to turn his head before he bricked me on the bank.

After a couple more shorter runs I got it to the bank and was stoked to see I landed a new pb.

After a quick measure and photos I released him to fight another day. He swam off strongly and it was beautiful to see!



Measured in at 43.8cm

A reasonably slow session turned out to be a pretty memorable one in the end! :)

Cheers for reading,


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