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PB Snap & Pearlie - 33's


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(More photos to come at some stage – having trouble transferring photos from my phone - the photo below is the only one that would work for some reason.)

Had the pleasure of being a decky for Mark on Sat – met at his place at a leisurely 4am, made our way through a non-existent bar and were on the 33’s dropping our first floatlined pillies down at 6am. Wasn’t too long before Mark pulled the first snap in and a good start being in the high 50’s. Mark got another one, then another and I was starting to wonder if I would contribute to our bag limit but not too long after I pulled in my new PB (previous was a 56cm from the river wharves) going 60cm on the dot. Was using my one of my Stradic 5000FJ combos with 30lb braid and 20lb leader so got a reasonable fight out of it.

By 9am we had our bag with all fish except one being around 50-60cm so the box was looking good. We moved slightly south to a spot where Mark has pulled pearlies before but to start with we just kept catching snaps – doohh!!! Eventually I pulled in my first ever pearlie (and therefore PB) going around 37cm and then Mark pulled in a very red/bronze moses unexpectedly, going about 40cm and VERY fat!!

We had planned to head to Boat Rock once we had bagged out to see if we could nail some moses to add to the box so did so, keeping our eyes out for breaching whales on our way. After anchoring we started fishing Mark’s honey hole and within minutes we had both pulled in an undersized kingy (around 50cm at a guess – we didn’t measure them but they were in plague proportions, cool to see). Mark proceeded to catch quite a few scorpion cod whereas I kept catching squire which was annoying, then the moses showed up and Mark gave me a lesson, catching 4 keepers, including another fat 40cm one, and a few more that fell below his personal limit of 30cm (they only need to be 25cm but you obviously don’t get much off that). I only managed one, finding they were nailing my bait as it got to the bottom and my reactions were too slow – next time!! At one stage Mark had a scorpion cod AND a moses come up on his two hook floatlining rig – cool to see!!

After re-anchoring a couple of times due to the wind swinging us too close to the rock we decided to head in at 1pm and made our way in through the again non-existent bar, a nice flat bay and a surprising lack of boats (could only figure they had all gone home already). Saw Old Mate and PlasticFantastic putting in at the Raby Baby ramp as we were putting the boat back on the trailer – hope you did well fellas?

Filleted the fish over a couple of coldies back at Mark’s, admired the reno’s he is in the middle of at his house (looking good!!) and made my way back home quite tired but very happy after a successful day. Was great to have a decent chin-wag with Mark, solve the world’s problems, talk a bit of sport and as always learn more about fishing. I felt my confidence in floatlining steadily increase as the day wore on so hopefully that trend continues next time. So my snapper PB has finally creeped into the 60's (just!) and I am on the board with pearlies (but obviously plenty of room for an upgrade!!).


Thanks for the spot Mark – much appreciated. Cheers for reading.

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I just wish those kingies were a bit bigger they were fun on our light floatline gear, the fish were good quality this time and we should see an increase in size heading in to spring. Great to catch up with you again Kelvin tune up your families big boat and put some of the techniques in to practise and bring on spring time.

Here is our tally at the end



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Nice report, Kelvin. A few nice feeds in that lot. Pillies?

Is there any other way .....? (I was going to fish plastics exclusively all day but Mark made me throw them in the bin before setting foot on his rig ..... - just joking!!).

Totally forgot you took photos too Mark, cheers for putting them up. And thanks for the positive comments fellas -- good to see the site nice and active at the moment. Yep, need to get organised with Dad's boat and get out and nail some of the bigger ones over the next couple of months.

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