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Best Catch Yet


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It has been so long since I've done a report or participated here that I think at least half the guys on AFO wouldn't even know who I was :D

But anyway - just wanted to share my latest catch. I had to post it and bring it back here. I can't remember who the first was to do this but it was here that I first saw it and ever since I knew I would do the same.

Used my own tackle and soaked the bait for a while. 9 months later it finally paid off and we even named her - Eve Do. 4.04kg, 39cm to the fork, 59 to the tip.

Can't wait to get her fishing and get her onto her first fish on topwater.







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Great stuff Henry, well done mate.  What day did she arrive for interests sake - and was that bay session your last one before her birth ......? Like me you'll be in a big hurry for her to grow up so you can take her fishing (and go fishing more .... you'll understand soon enough ....:P).

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I`m a little late Henry, congrats to you and your lady. You guys have just moved on to the next phase of ' the meaning of life'.

When my eldest was born, my old man told me " teach a child how to think, and not what to think, and you won`t go too far wrong". Looking back over 35 years, he was a lot smarter than I thought he was. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been a bit caught up with being back at work and the new baby takes up a little bit of time too :D


@kmcrosby78 she popped out the Friday following (15th) so yeah that trip was my last. For a little while at least.

And that you everyone for the kinds words. Amazingly the hair is a feature of the wifes side of the family. My side all came out with no hair. It is definitely a new chapter in life and I can only hope that I raise her to be a good person who can fish like a boss  :D

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